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Ken Simmons’s Avatar

Ken Simmons

Assist with Recognizing and Developing Potential
Cleveland, Ohio
1696 Answers
2522415 Reads
11180 Karma


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Brianna’s Avatar
Brianna Aug 31, 2018 853 views

Can I get come advice for pre med?

I’m nervous about pre med programs, because I’ve heard they’re very rigorous and I have a track record of having a bad memory. I can work hard but I’d just like to be more prepared for pre med in college. #pre-med #college

Bailey’s Avatar
Bailey Aug 31, 2018 690 views

Is Electrical Engineering worth it?

Is the pay for this program decent? What is the future employment outlook in 15 years?

#engineering #electricalengineering

austin’s Avatar
austin Aug 31, 2018 523 views

Does anyone have any financial tips in college?


Gabriela’s Avatar
Gabriela Aug 31, 2018 1178 views

What should I put on my resume?

I want to start saving up for college, but I don't know what to put on my resume. I don't have work experience, haven't volunteered, and haven't been on any big projects. I have been in clubs and organizations, played instruments, and done other activities outside of school but none of them...

Serban’s Avatar
Serban Aug 31, 2018 749 views

How can I be sure about what career path to pursue?

I'm studying Molecular Cell Biology as a premed major and want to pursue medicine. How can I be sure that's the right path?

#Career # #pre-med #college-major

Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley Aug 31, 2018 833 views

How Can I Get Money To Pay For The Rest of My Schooling Without Getting A Loan?

I have been through many struggles throughout my life... One being someone had killed my father when I was 11 while he was working so that's the only money I have to pay for school. Unfortunately, I go to a very expensive private school and I only have enough for one more semester. I am in my...

Ricardo’s Avatar
Ricardo Sep 01, 2018 687 views

DACA students

Anyone known a place a DACA student can apply for a Scholarship?
# #scholarship #college #college-admissions #college-advice #financial-aid

Armando’s Avatar
Armando Aug 31, 2018 888 views

How did you find your passion/major?

Many students, like myself, go to college and wonder "is this really the right major for me?". One terrible fact is (if you are already in college) the longer you take to find what you actually want to major in, the more it costs to change it. So I would like to know, how did you find what...

Armando’s Avatar
Armando Aug 31, 2018 702 views

Talk about when you did/did not recieve a scholarship?

As a college freshman, I have been applying for scholarships online in hopes that it will help reduce the amount that my parent and I have to cover, but I am honestly not sure how effective applying is. Applying to scholarships is easy, but what about winning them? Everyone always says to apply...

Andrew’s Avatar
Andrew Aug 31, 2018 541 views

What should I know about college?

Of course there is increased freedom and workload, but what else catches people by surprise?

Teresa’s Avatar
Teresa Sep 02, 2018 537 views

Is there a limit to how many colleges one should apply to?

#college visits

Deanna’s Avatar
Deanna Sep 01, 2018 760 views

What kinds of classes should I take?

My current goal is to become an animator. I was wondering what kind of classes would prepare me for this the best. #classes #animation #college

Brenda’s Avatar
Brenda Sep 01, 2018 586 views

What would be the most difficult course for a student majoring in the education field?

I' am a sophomore in college and would like to know which is the hardest class a student takes while pursuing a bachelor's degree in the education field. #college student

Samuel’s Avatar
Samuel Sep 01, 2018 840 views

What will help college admissions officers look at my resume

What kind of things should I do to differentiate my self from the rest of the crowd of other students. # #resume #college #college-admissions

Deanna’s Avatar
Deanna Sep 01, 2018 862 views

Suggestions for minors?

My major is fine arts with a concentration in digital media with the hopes of becoming an animator. I was curious what kind of minor I should take to accompany it or if I should take one at all. #college #college-major #art #college-minor