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Ken Simmons’s Avatar

Ken Simmons

Assist with Recognizing and Developing Potential
Cleveland, Ohio
1696 Answers
2528058 Reads
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Peter’s Avatar
Peter May 12, 2016 2352 views

Are the prospects for chemistry truly as bad as people make them out to be?

Initially, I was really interested in majoring in chemistry/biochemistry (I realize the two are very different, but was leaning towards chemistry) this coming fall, but from what I've read online, chemists don't seem to have great job prospects. I've read of PhD students struggling to make over...

Tazmia’s Avatar
Tazmia May 25, 2016 829 views

My career question is if there is an intermediate parent (My mother) that has been diagnosed with epilepsy, are there any scholarships that will help me get through my career of being a Marine Biologist?

Since 2012 my mother have been diagnosed with epilepsy. Its the worst feeling to see the most important person in your life in need of help and you cant help them. Every since then me and my mother grew close and I have been the mother of the house because I'm the oldest out of three children (...

Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew May 27, 2016 1380 views

Is the field of renewable energy in the focus of solar energy a diminishing career field, or exapanding?

I've thought about a career path focused on renewable sustainable energy in the focus of solar energy, but all research suggests that solar power is a very inefficient means of powering our grid at this point in its age of advancement. #engineering #solar-energy #solar

Torry’s Avatar
Torry May 12, 2016 1138 views

What is it like in an entrepreneur class?

I want to start my own business with a physical therapy clinic to give back to athletes in Compton and Inglewood in California. #business #entrepreneur

Britanie’s Avatar
Britanie May 12, 2016 3330 views

What are some study skills or daily habits that really helped you stay organized in college or a busy work life?

I am planning to attend college in a few months. I currently balance my work, school, and social life pretty well but I understand college life will be very different. I would like to know some helpful study and organizational tips people may have developed over time in order to work as...

Tia’s Avatar
Tia May 12, 2016 1139 views

What parts of a resume are most important for administrative work?

I was hired after doing a work study, but have a friend who isn't finding employment. He isn't sure what to add to his resume, or if certain sections should come first. #college #job-search #hiring

Abigail’s Avatar
Abigail May 10, 2016 1155 views

How is a bachelor of science degree different from a bachelor of the arts degree?

I always see both but no one has ever said the differences to me. Is one of them more focused on the science aspect? #college #student #degree #majors

Britny ’s Avatar
Britny May 10, 2016 1145 views

How do I choose between colleges?

I have a few different options and I've considered all the usual things like location and academics. But what else can I use to narrow down my search for the perfect college? #college

Shayni’s Avatar
Shayni May 09, 2016 827 views

Is it a hard transition from high school to college?

I am comparing the differences of switching to high school from middle school and the transition from high school to college. #teaching #teacher #students #workload

Sowmiya’s Avatar
Sowmiya May 21, 2016 821 views

how many IT company in cheenai

i am studing 10 std i want to know the answer #professor #professional #it-sales

Bella’s Avatar
Bella May 24, 2016 805 views

How much does the college you go to really impact your journey into a career?

Like how comparable is a Upenn business degree to a FSU business degree? #college-jobs

Allison’s Avatar
Allison May 24, 2016 802 views

what steps do i need to be a veterenarian?

why i want to be a vet is because i love dogs #veterinarian

Allison’s Avatar
Allison May 24, 2016 1729 views

is college expensive?

because i want to be in college

Alyssa’s Avatar
Alyssa May 23, 2016 491 views

What is the most difficult part of becoming a Registered Nurse?

My dream is pursuing a career in Nursing or a medical doctor. I want to find out as much information as I can, so I could be able to add to my notes and know what I am in for when I start college. #doctor #nursing #medicine

Alyssa’s Avatar
Alyssa May 23, 2016 630 views

How to finish college strong?

I'm about to start and it would be great to know! #college