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Ken Simmons’s Avatar

Ken Simmons

Assist with Recognizing and Developing Potential
Cleveland, Ohio
1696 Answers
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Claudia’s Avatar
Claudia May 07, 2016 784 views

As an astrophysics major, what are you currently doing in life?

I'm a high school student interested in the field and am wondering where I might end up C:

All countries of residency welcome! #astrophysics

Claudia’s Avatar
Claudia May 07, 2016 812 views

What job opportunities are available for people who like to blend scientific hands-on work with business knowledge?

I'm currently a business student in high school and am really interested in science-related fields, but I don't know how I can merge the two without sacrificing the research work that makes STEM so exciting. #business #science #research

Ana’s Avatar
Ana May 06, 2016 1094 views

What CEO works with patient satisfaction in the medical field ?

I love having that patient interaction. I love it so much that i decided to set it as my ultimate long term goal;. I was wondering what kind of CEO works with patient satisfaction, what is the name of this career. #career #nursing #hospital #ceo #career-goals #long-term-care #patient-safety

regina’s Avatar
regina May 06, 2016 748 views

How do i get more scholarships?

I'm asking this question because i want to prepare for my future and not have to take a lot of loans out. #college #experience

Sandy’s Avatar
Sandy May 06, 2016 660 views

What type of college should i go to for video game designing?

I want to be prepared for the road ahead #college

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah May 23, 2016 677 views

Is college fun?

I'm an incoming senior and would like to know how the college life is! #college

Kendra’s Avatar
Kendra May 22, 2016 879 views

What are some good study habits?

Studying seems to be the key to success in college and from what I hear, there is a prominent need for it. What a some tips on how to stay focused when studying? #college #university

Kendra’s Avatar
Kendra May 22, 2016 965 views

What are some tips on how to cope with separation anxiety?

I just graduated high school and I will be living on campus at a university in the fall as a college freshman. I am extremely family oriented and I know I will miss having my family around very much. I can already imagine how sad and lonely I will feel without them. Can you give me some tips on...

alexis’s Avatar
alexis May 13, 2016 1397 views

Would having work experience be beneficial for college and any major?

I am currently a junior in High School and I am interested in getting a job. I need some input on whether or not it is beneficial to at least have some amount of work experience and if I have experience how would that help me?

A’s Avatar
A May 21, 2016 1589 views

Will studying abroad have an impact on my career?

My name is Yajaira and I want to study abroad while pursuing my Master's degree in Accounting and Finance and I am considering earning my masters degree abroad- studying for about two years in another country. Will studying abroad/earning a degree abroad in the business field affect my...

alexis’s Avatar
alexis May 21, 2016 852 views

How do I find scholarships?

I am currently trying to figure out how I am going to go about paying for college without having to take too much out in loans and without having my parents pay. However, I am no good at any of the sports I play, I am mildly involved in school and I don't have a rich uncle who can pay my way to...

Mariah’s Avatar
Mariah May 21, 2016 2057 views

Is eight classes a semester too much?

How hard would it be to complete eight classes a semester? #college #classes

Mariah’s Avatar
Mariah May 21, 2016 1588 views

How hard is it to double major/minor?

Would it be too much to double major or double minor? #college #majors #double-major

Emma’s Avatar
Emma May 21, 2016 919 views

What's a Day in the Life of an Artist?

I want to be a glassblower when I grow up but can it really be all fun and easy? Is it hard selling your art? What are the best and worst things about being a professional artist? #career #art #career-choice #career-path #self-employed

Alicia’s Avatar
Alicia May 21, 2016 901 views

If you are an aspiring medical student, should you be preparing for what you're going to learn as early as high school? Is there any way to become more familiar with these type of feilds while being at such an early stage of education?

I am currently a Sophmore in High School, and I have heard a lot about how stressful medical school can be, so I was wondering if becoming more familiar now with the material that I would be studying in medical school would make it any easier in the long run, or if there was any other way of...