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Ken Simmons’s Avatar

Ken Simmons

Assist with Recognizing and Developing Potential
Cleveland, Ohio
1696 Answers
2522346 Reads
11180 Karma


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Amanda’s Avatar
Amanda Aug 29, 2018 795 views

What should you do if you want to switch majors?

Will it be extremely expensive if you change your mind on what you want to do? I'm indecisive and I'm afraid I'll put myself into debt if I decide I don't want to be a pharmacist anymore. I don't know how the process works. Should I just suck it up and stay with it? #college #finance

Alexis’s Avatar
Alexis Aug 29, 2018 743 views

What does it look like to effectively manage your time in college?

Often times, you hear about young college students having trouble managing their time. Considering that most students want to be well-balanced both academically and socially, what are some suggestions that can help me achieve this?
#college #student #university

Eyalla’s Avatar
Eyalla Aug 29, 2018 580 views

Does a college education have to be so expensive?

Why is it so costly #college

Faith’s Avatar
Faith Aug 28, 2018 554 views

Other than if a college has your desired major, what should be a big deciding factor?

I'm overwhelmed with all the possible colleges I could go to and I'm not sure what's the most important factor to look at. Obviously it's necessary that the college has your desired major, but is there anything else that's very important that soon-to-be freshman aren't aware of yet? #college...

Noelia’s Avatar
Noelia Aug 28, 2018 724 views

Is Criminal Justice a good career to study?

#CriminalJustice #career-choice #career-counseling #career-options

Kamaria’s Avatar
Kamaria Aug 28, 2018 649 views

What are some career options in the meteorology field that use computer science as well?

#career # #professional #career-options

Kamaria’s Avatar
Kamaria Aug 28, 2018 1063 views

How do I get internships in college?

#intern #internships #jobs

Emmalee’s Avatar
Emmalee Aug 28, 2018 1057 views

How can I know if becoming an editor is right for me?

As a kid, I always wanted to become an author. Now that I'm older, I'm more interested in editing at a publishing company. When friends have given me their writing to look over, I enjoy cleaning up the grammar as well as improving the flow and phrasing. However, since this has been my dream for...

Gabriela’s Avatar
Gabriela Aug 28, 2018 837 views

Can I get into a good school if I did average in my freshman year?

I'm not planning on going to any super exclusive university like Cornell or Yale. My dream school is NYU but, last I checked, only around 30% of applicants get accepted. I didn't do as well as I could've my freshman year, but so far, my sophomore year has been nothing but A's and high B's. Is...

Noora’s Avatar
Noora Aug 28, 2018 617 views

NY OR CA? Which One Is More Suitable For College (Medical School) Students?

I'm really interested in knowing more about whether NY or CA is more suitable for college students who will attend a medical school and be able to work within the field right after graduation. #college #career #living

Haylie’s Avatar
Haylie Aug 28, 2018 585 views

There seem to be a lot of quick, easy, no essay scholarships. Are these worth looking into?

#college #scholarships

Lisa’s Avatar
Lisa Aug 29, 2018 613 views

How will I know how to set up majors and minors?

How do I set up majors and minors when I get to college? How many majors and minors can I have at one time?

#college #majors

Mia-Kristen’s Avatar
Mia-Kristen Aug 28, 2018 673 views

My friend would like to go to and out-of-state college but her mother is worried about her safety. Is there any advice you could give that would help convince her mother to let her pursue an out-of-state school?

My friend also faces financial problems. Her mother has low-income and her father is out of the picture for various reasons. The father has been in trouble with the law and there is currently a restraining order against him from the family. He has never felt the need to provide the family with...

Indya’s Avatar
Indya Aug 27, 2018 732 views

How do I know which college is right for me?

Being a senior is harder then it looks. You have to worry about grades, scholarships, where to get money and what to wear to prom! My biggest problem is where my future would be in store. What college would be great for me since I plan to perform a double major in arts and technology...

Eden’s Avatar
Eden Aug 28, 2018 580 views

How do I know which college I should go to?

I am just starting my college search, and it is difficult to figure our which school is best suited for me #college