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Ken Simmons’s Avatar

Ken Simmons

Assist with Recognizing and Developing Potential
Cleveland, Ohio
1696 Answers
2524817 Reads
11180 Karma


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Anna’s Avatar
Anna Aug 16, 2018 900 views

What is the best way to decide your major when you have multiple different interests?

#majors #language #college #college-major

Lauryn’s Avatar
Lauryn Aug 17, 2018 560 views

What is a great school it get into for Inter design?

I just starting high school and I kind of know what I want to do. I just need help getting there. I don't know where to start.

#high-school #college

Trinity’s Avatar
Trinity Aug 17, 2018 479 views

What are some colleges I should look into for engineering in GA?


Claudia Michelle’s Avatar
Claudia Michelle Aug 18, 2018 635 views

What's the best search tool for jobs after college?

I feel like getting a degree isn't enough to get a job. You actually have to know where to look if you want a job in the degree you graduated from. #college #jobs #job-search

Neha’s Avatar
Neha Aug 18, 2018 576 views

When in college should I know what exactly I want to do in my future ?

I am about to be an undergrad at a 4 year college and don't know what I want to do. I am scared about when I should figure everything out. #help #college

Zarielle’s Avatar
Zarielle Aug 17, 2018 416 views

Motivational tips to keep me motivated.

I loved school but since I've been in college I am always tired and have no motivation to do the best that I can. #college

jordi’s Avatar
jordi Aug 17, 2018 439 views

tips for sudying while working at the same time?

currently taking 5 classes in college and I also work, how can I focus in school #college

Diana’s Avatar
Diana Aug 17, 2018 589 views

How to be an effective studier?

I've struggled with taking good notes and how to study and retain information so if you could help me out, that would be great. #career #student #school

Isis’s Avatar
Isis Aug 17, 2018 571 views

How do you get connections in film/production?

I'm going back to college and also changing my major. And it's around this time where I have to start looking for internships and/or apprenticeship that relates to the major that I choose. Is there any place or people that I can meet where I can get connections in order to pursue this?...

Aisha’s Avatar
Aisha Aug 18, 2018 397 views

What does it take to get a job at the Smithsonian Institution?

I am majoring in Hisotry and I want to be a curator. I want to know are there any connections I need to make to get the job? #career

Kiara’s Avatar
Kiara Aug 16, 2018 871 views

How can I make college worth it?

For a Finance Major:
Which clubs are worth taking?
Should I start internships right away?
Is it smart to graduate in 3 years?

#college #finance #internships #scholarships #honorscollege

Kiara’s Avatar
Kiara Aug 16, 2018 722 views

What are the most competitive Finance Internships in America?

I would like to start applying to internships but I want to make it worth my while. Which internships will stand out on a CV or lead to a potential job in Finance?

#internships #jobs #resume #finance #competitive

Christian’s Avatar
Christian Aug 16, 2018 631 views

Is it difficult on you if you don’t take college classes in high school ?

When you’re in college is it harder if you don’t have college level classes in high school? #high-school #college

Joseph’s Avatar
Joseph Aug 17, 2018 828 views

Is it a bad idea to wait until after college to get my first "real" job?

Other than working a bit with my parents on their retail business and running a few small chess camps, I have no work experience and little income coming in. Will that hurt me in the long run when finding a job after college? #FirstJob #Career #Experience

Sharanya’s Avatar
Sharanya Aug 17, 2018 768 views

what should i write my common app essay on if i want to major in computer science?

#science #computerscience