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El Paso, Texas
3 Questions
131 Karma

Javier’s Career Goals

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Javier’s Avatar
Javier Dec 10, 2019 699 views

If am a business owner, can I invest my own money and make more out of it if I make a profit out of it from a company?

I wanna be able to also make a profit with a product that's already made. #design #art #business #entrepreneur

Javier’s Avatar
Javier Dec 10, 2019 642 views

What is the highest pay rate of an entrepreneur or business owner?

I wanna be able to run my own business.
#entrepreneur #business #business-development #management #business-management #management

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Javier Dec 10, 2019 685 views

Why do some higher degrees offer a less salary?

One of the things I would like to pursue is becoming an entrepreneur or working as an architect. Well for one thing, I would like to run my own things, for example running my own business, or being able to draw a drawing on a piece of paper and later making it into a house or building....