Denise Knieriemen
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What is the 1 book you would suggest everyone reads in their lifetime?
I'm making it a personal goal to read for 30 minutes daily again, and am looking for some quality material. Anything related to science, technology, or woman's history are very interesting to me. #college #engineering #science #technology #tech #women-in-tech #reading #women-in-engineering #books

How do you get rich?
I play basketball but i want to go into business and marketing. #marketing #business #sports #business-management #communication

What are tips to avoid distractions?
I am not very socially outgoing, but I have a hard time doing #homework and #essays when I have a fun #book and plenty to read that is not in relation to my classes. I need to find a way to #stop reading so much and start #focusing on my #school

The manager at the local cat cafe wants me to work there when i am 16! I want to help them get more attention.. Any suggestions?
I am in*th grade and i love taking care of animals! #animals #veterinarian #veterinary-medicine #veterinary #medicine #cat #catopiacatcafe #kitties #career #job #animal-health

what inspires you?
my mother inspires me everyday because she tells me that i have the potential to do anything. she never fails to understand me or support me. she is my role model and with her by my side, i CAN do anything.