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Bob Carlson’s Avatar

Bob Carlson

Head of Digital Asset Management at GoPro
Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
San Francisco, California
5 Answers
8124 Reads
46 Karma

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Gabriel’s Avatar
Gabriel Mar 24, 2015 1435 views

What would be the best time to go into the field of becoming an announcer for radio or television, and try to maintain keeping good grades in college?

I am a athlete, I love the game of basketball, but I also love being in the camera. I know how to be a host because I host a lot of shows before and I am not scared of crowds, especially when it comes to talking about real life situations or about music; or sports. I am asking my question...

Leigh’s Avatar
Leigh Mar 24, 2015 1267 views

What types of majors should a person take if they would like to work at Cartoon Network, ABC, or MTV?

I'm very interested working in the entertainment industry, especially in terms of animation and producing, and I would like to know which path I should take in terms of majors. #producer #cartoons #television-production

Darnell’s Avatar
Darnell Jun 10, 2015 1896 views

I would like you to explain what is the best editing equipment to use for creating youtube videos?

Hello, I am a sophomore at Hudson High School Of Learning Technologies and ever since I got a touch screen phone I have been watching YouTube videos. I have been subscribed to multiple youtube channels of people that review or just talk about movies, anime and videogames. I have always wanted...

Kalyn’s Avatar
Kalyn Oct 29, 2015 1905 views

What are some majors I can take with doing sports management

Other majors that I can get while also getting my degree for sports management but nothing thats overwhelming . Also something that can work well with my first degree (sports management) #management #sports #majors #football #manager

Mason’s Avatar
Mason Nov 30, 2015 1367 views

I would like to know how to manage my money to start off in life good?

Hi, I am a 6th grader and I want to now how to save my money or tactics you have used to get far in life
please reply so I can use the learning