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Eric Swanson’s Avatar

Eric Swanson

Lieutenant, Firefighter & Paramedic
Protective Service Occupations
Ohio, Ohio
14 Answers
11009 Reads
12 Karma



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Mario’s Avatar
Mario Jul 24, 2023 847 views

How would I go about becoming a Paramedic?

What schooling and/or licenses would I need to get to become the Paramedic specifically and how much time would it take?

Chrissandra’s Avatar
Chrissandra Jul 23, 2023 1142 views

When would be a good time to take classes for a emt?

When would be a good age to start taking classes for an emt? I really want to be one and I’m already a junior firefighter working on getting first responder experience.

Moshe Krupnick’s Avatar
Moshe Jun 12, 2023 441 views

Are there internships available for EMTs after they graduate?

I recently graduated an EMT-B course in NYS at 17. people have told me that it's hard to find opportunities while you're under 18 and still in school. what is the best way to get the experience you need to advance and not forget everything?

Hope’s Avatar
Hope Nov 03, 2021 572 views

What does a firefighter do?

I'm 13 years old #firefighting

Hector’s Avatar
Hector Nov 29, 2021 1107 views

What is like to work as an EMT

I'm thinking in studying to become an EMT
#emt #paramedic #emergency #medical

joshua’s Avatar
joshua Oct 11, 2021 784 views

As a paramedic what is the hardest part of your job?


Joanne’s Avatar
Joanne Mar 10, 2020 930 views

How can I enter into a paramedic career?

I am currently pursuing a Business Analytics degree but found my passion for healthcare expeditions through volunteering. I wish to equip myself with paramedic knowledge and pursue such a career on graduation. #paramedic #career #business #career-choice #medicine #medical #healthcare...

Sying’s Avatar
Sying Mar 11, 2019 986 views

What was the hardest thing you do as a paremedic?

I would like to be a paramedic. I am a student in the 11th grade currently attending the job corps program. I am getting my certificate as a CMA. What is the hardest p[art of your job? What do you think makes your job difficult or hard and how do you get over the problem? I would like to know...

Eduardo’s Avatar
Eduardo May 28, 2019 996 views

To what level of education do paramedics have to obtain?


Kylie’s Avatar
Kylie May 28, 2019 749 views

Do firefighters only work with fires? Or do they have other duties?


Student S.’s Avatar
Student S. Mar 19, 2019 955 views

Why did you become a firefighter if you are one?

#firefighting #firefighter #fire #emergency #first-responder #fire-police

David’s Avatar
David Sep 06, 2019 787 views

What are fire fighters involved in?

I am a student at Brennan High School looking for more information on #fire-fighting #fire-fighter #public-services . I have seen fire fighters in ambulances, taking care of fire, going into car accidents, etc... and I was wondering if they take care of all of these or there’s just different...

Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Jul 25, 2019 624 views

Which State in the US have Wild Land Fire Fighting all year around?
