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Jennifer Beauchea’s Avatar

Jennifer Beauchea

Graphic Design
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations
Marlboro Township
11 Answers
20186 Reads
41 Karma

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Jane’s Avatar
Jane Feb 19, 2019 3832 views

Is Graphic Design a stable field to work in?

#graphic-design #art #design #web-design #career

Marcela’s Avatar
Marcela Jan 02, 2022 900 views

Advice for a Graphic Design Students

Hello! I've enrolled in San Diego City College's Graphic Design Program and will be returning to school this spring after a 4-year hiatus. I'm currently studying Adobe CC training videos independently and building up my portfolio. What advice would you give new graphic design students and what...

Marla’s Avatar
Marla Mar 15, 2020 886 views

How do I start a graphic design portfolio?

How do I start a portfolio #graphic-design

Vincent’s Avatar
Vincent Sep 27, 2019 1003 views

How does a graphic designer get hired?

I would like to know how a graphic designer gets hired and about how long it took to get a call back for an interview? #graphic-design #design

Evan’s Avatar
Evan Dec 10, 2019 4217 views

How easy is it to get jobs as a traditional artist?

I enjoy doing traditional art rather than graphic design and digital art. Is it easy to get jobs doing these? #art #graphic-design #design #fine-art #artist

Joey’s Avatar
Joey Oct 04, 2019 3097 views

What do you find most enjoyable about your job ?

I am a senior at Brennan High School Interested in going into the business field. #business #entrepreneur #business-management #marketing...

jeremy’s Avatar
jeremy Mar 09, 2020 1240 views

how did u get to were u at

#math #art #math #chemistry #communication

Thea’s Avatar
Thea Mar 19, 2020 1492 views

How did you decide what you would like to major in?

College student finishing an advanced diploma looking to complete my degree. #college-major #major

Paul’s Avatar
Paul Mar 01, 2018 2806 views

Do you still enjoy cooking after working?

When working in a kitchen all day, do you still enjoy cooking as a passion or hobby or do you grow sick of it after doing it everyday?

Naomi’s Avatar
Naomi May 03, 2019 951 views

What kind of experiences or skill sets are needed in order to become an environmental designer?

#environmental-science #design #marketing #Graphic #graphic-design

Anne’s Avatar
Anne Apr 26, 2016 3651 views

What made you want to work in marketing for a computer software company?

I'd really like to get a job in marketing but i'm not as sure what or who I'd like to do marketing for. I have a couple family members that work in computer software and they really like it so i'd like to learn more about what it would be like to do marketing for a technology company. Does the...