Douglas Ray, CMR, AMR
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What careers makes a lot of money and is really easy?
I'm lazy and want to make a lot of money. I also do not like school very much but if it's worth it I will do it.

What happens when you lose your scholarship {For collage}?
Im a great student but my friend lost their scholarship recently. What happens?

How can I find a good Job?
What are some good job options. I really value creativity, money, and teamwork. What jobs or career paths align with these values.

How do I get into a college that is too expensive for me?
I almost a high school senior and would like to get ahead of the college process.?

What is the duration of time for college. How much money could you make. Why is it important.
I don’t have any

What job and how can become rich become billionaire ?
In Vietnam student like me if i do part time 4 hours they pay very low money.if i do part time job not enough live and pay rent
1.what job do online become rich fast
2.how can become rich fast online job in 1 month

How was the college experience, was it worth it, and was it fun?
I know I wanna go to college, but I don't know if it's completely worth the money.

what to do in wholesale?
i want a better understanding of wholesale and how it works and continues to thrive and make people wealthy. i want to know the pro's and con's of it all.

How important was money when choosing a career ?
I'm interested in architectural design

how do I make money and how to make more with that money
How can I make make money at a young age

How do I become a responsible adult when I get older??
Hello my name is Lela, I wish to become a therapist to help others get better. I wanna live comfortably without having to worry about money. How do I start that path? How do I live on my own?

Is following a major in pharmaceutical studies worthwhile?
Is following a pharmaceutical career worthwhile?

When you pay taxes, how much money gets taken or given back?
Taxes are filed by adults every year. as a young adult, it will be my first year paying them.
How much money gets taken or given back? How do you make sure that you're paying the correct amount and not getting extra income taken?

Why is going to college important for my furture?
Attending college costs a lot of money that could be invested else where, why is it a good discison to go to college instead of traveling or immeadly going into the work force?