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Christina’s Avatar
Christina Aug 18, 2018 905 views

How Much Education Would You Need to be a Dermatologist?

My name is Christina .A, and I am an 8th grader at Pikeville High School in Pikeville, KY. I know I am very young, but I am interested in the field of dermatology. I do science academics and I am in a Verizon Innovative Camp. I am wondering how much education you need to be a dermatologist....

Kennedie’s Avatar
Kennedie Aug 19, 2018 803 views

Medical Schools?

What are some of the best medical schools in Texas for an Obstetrician ? #career-paths #medicine #obgyn #health #professional

Mariya’s Avatar
Mariya Aug 21, 2018 993 views

What are some methods to reduce the cost of medical school/pay off debt effectively?

Even though medical school is several years away for me, I would like to be prepared in advance. I've seen that med school is quite the hassle in terms of finances and debt, but that the result is worth it, including the income from a residency after med school. Are there any other ways to...

Mariya’s Avatar
Mariya Aug 21, 2018 1057 views

What should my major be as an undergrad if I want to attend medical school?

What major would be best to have as an undergraduate if I later want to attend medical school? Would it be something like biology, chemistry, or biochemistry? Or include something like psychology or sociology? Double majors and dual-degrees would be an option, but what do med school...

Makayla’s Avatar
Makayla Aug 22, 2018 612 views

Should I look into going to my local community college to take all the basic college courses?

I live thirty minutes away from my local community college and was interested in taking all the typical courses that all college students have to take. It would be at a much cheaper price than at a price from the university. Would this be a good investment #medicine

Arial’s Avatar
Arial Aug 23, 2018 553 views

Is becoming any type of surgeon worth it in the end?

When I ask if it's worth it I mean is it worth it financially, mentally, etc. I've always been interested in the medical field but at the beginning of my junior year, my interest really sparked up, it's all I think about 24/7. I have a strong passion for the medical field but I'm not sure what...

Gianna’s Avatar
Gianna Aug 23, 2018 507 views

Is the amount of work and school to become a medical student worth it?

I’ve been very interested in the medical field except I do not want to go to school for all my life. Are there any jobs in the medical field that do not require so much school but still make good money? #school #medicine

LaChelle’s Avatar
LaChelle Aug 24, 2018 796 views

What hobbies or classes should I be taking in high school if I want to become a Pediatrician?

By taking the classes in high school it will better help me understand when I transition into college my first year.#medicine #help #high-school-students

alejandro’s Avatar
alejandro Aug 24, 2018 567 views

Is there any tips on memorizing topics for school?


Anna’s Avatar
Anna Aug 24, 2018 531 views

What must I do during my undergraduate years to get into medical school?

#college #school #medicine

Christopher’s Avatar
Christopher Aug 24, 2018 731 views

How many times have you changed your career path?

As a person who wants to become a doctor, I sometimes think about the road ahead. I know that it is a very demanding and hard road so sometimes I wonder if I can even make it. So, to anyone reading this that is pursuing the path of medicine, how many times have you changed your career path and...

Chelsea’s Avatar
Chelsea Aug 25, 2018 762 views

What university is best for Pre-Med?


Nishaath’s Avatar
Nishaath Aug 26, 2018 558 views

How do you know if you're even capable of doing well in college?

I'm not sure whether I should attend college. It's a lot of money and I'm not sure if i can grow and learn in it. #college #medicine #nursing #money

Emma’s Avatar
Emma Aug 26, 2018 529 views

When do I need to know what kind of physician I want to be?

I am interested in a lot of areas for medicine, but I'm worried that I know what exactly I want to be when I need to decide. I'm looking forward to rotations in med school, but do I need to know what I want to be before then? #medicine #student

Schyler’s Avatar
Schyler Aug 27, 2018 533 views

How many years will I need to complete to be a RN?

I want to be a RN, but I don't want to stay in school all my life. #medicine #school #lazy #college