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Vuong’s Avatar
Vuong May 06, 2020 841 views

What are some methods to make you stand out from other students when applying to colleges?

I have good grades and do extra curriculars but many other students do as well. #college-admissions

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia May 12, 2020 748 views

What is early decision/application?

#college #college-admissions #college-applications

Adriananna’s Avatar
Adriananna Jul 13, 2018 818 views

how many different types of nurses are there in the world

#medicine #health #nursing #nurse #healthcare #hospital-and-healthcare

Mary’s Avatar
Mary Jul 17, 2018 946 views

Osteopathic Orthopedic Surgeon, what's best major for Bachelors degree?

If my long term goal is to become an Osteopathic Orthopedic Surgeon, what is the best major to study for my Bachelors degree?
#surgery #surgeon #medicine #healthcare #hospital-and-healthcare #college #college-major #doctor #orthopedics #osteopathy

Ciara’s Avatar
Ciara Jun 23, 2019 448 views

What bachelors degree should I get to be a oncologist?

Medicine. #medicine

Daniel’s Avatar
Daniel Jun 25, 2019 396 views

What is a typical day to day like in your job?


chances’s Avatar
chances Jun 28, 2019 642 views

What is it like being a RN?

#nursing #registered-nurses #medicine #healthcare

Tiana’s Avatar
Tiana Apr 24, 2020 1240 views

Does anyone have advice for college applications?

I'm a sophomore in high school who's looking to get a head start on college applications or improving my resume. I'm interested in business and possibly a job in the medical field (?) and was wondering if anyone had any advice for what I should do to catch the attention of college application...

farheen’s Avatar
farheen Apr 28, 2020 583 views

Steps to becoming a doctor

I got to community college and intend on transferring to UCLA to do biochemistry as my premed degree. How can I make myself a more competitive applicant? #college #doctor #premed #medical #medicine #communitycollege

Riona’s Avatar
Riona May 01, 2020 738 views

What exception do I need to meet your standards?

I am well organized, determined, a bit childish sometimes but most of all I love being myself around people. #college #scholarship

Isabel’s Avatar
Isabel Jul 17, 2020 487 views

Where is our tuition money actually going? #JULY2020

I'm beginning to understand just how corrupt our post-secondary education systems are. That said, where is our tuition money really going beyond supplies and material for classes, and potentially the salaries of professors? How much of a chunk are deans and presidents taking out of our cheques...

olive’s Avatar
olive Jul 27, 2020 903 views

What is the best thing a sophomore in high school can do to start preparing for college?

I’m going into my second year of high school and want to make sure I do everything I can to have a solid application for colleges. I have a 4.3, I do service every week, I am also a dancer and run cross country. What would you recommend? #high-school #college #sophmore #schools...

Alexis’s Avatar
Alexis Jul 23, 2018 767 views

Does anybody know what the questions in the MCAT are about in general?

#MCAT #admissions #medicine #doctor #healthcare #hospital-and-healthcare #med-school #testing

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Jul 28, 2018 1107 views

What is the best way to study for the MCAT?

#mcat school #premed #medicine #doctor #healthcare #hospital-and-healthcare #med-school #testing

teresa’s Avatar
teresa Jul 02, 2019 501 views

How stressful can your job get? Can this stress change your mind in finding a new career?
