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Yolonda Bueford’s Avatar

Yolonda Bueford

Academic Advisor
New York, New York
58 Answers
109100 Reads
116 Karma


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judith’s Avatar
judith Nov 15, 2019 540 views

can u be a nurse just for kids


Katherine’s Avatar
Katherine May 13, 2016 1663 views

Can I get a job without any prior work experience?

I'm looking for a job. #jobs #resume

Nayeli’s Avatar
Nayeli Apr 14, 2020 1232 views

Should I transfer to a different college that has a BS in Nursing Science?

I'm currently a freshman at UCSD, and not to long ago I decided to pursue a career in nursing, however, my college doesn't have a BS in nursing. I am a human biology major and was wondering if I should stick with that and then go to nursing school or if I should transfer to another college that...

Franda’s Avatar
Franda Oct 04, 2019 513 views

What education level do i need to become a nurse?

i graduated i have my high school diploma and currently attending job corps here in Hawaii #nursing

Marie’s Avatar
Marie Apr 23, 2020 821 views

What colleges are better to go to for nursing?

#healthcare #nurse #nursing-education

Athena’s Avatar
Athena Jun 17, 2020 1529 views

What are good colleges in California that have great nursing schools?

Hello! I am a rising junior in high school and am interested in going into the medical field, more specifically nursing (possibly a nurse practitioner). I live in California, and want to go to college here. #nursing #college #nurse #healthcare #medicine

kendall’s Avatar
kendall Nov 15, 2019 561 views

how to become a nurse

#nurse #nursing #medicine #healthcare

Clarissa’s Avatar
Clarissa Sep 23, 2019 806 views

How many years overall to become a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner?


Brett’s Avatar
Brett May 13, 2016 1378 views

What are good ways to build the best resume to impress employers?

I just graduated college and will be trying to continue school and I want to know good ways to build up my resume so it will be impressive to employers. #professional #graduate #resume #employment

Paajcha Julie’s Avatar
Paajcha Julie Apr 22, 2017 6463 views

Is it appropriate to add work experience in a place you weren't officially employed at in your resume?

My parents own a grocery store, and when I was a young child, I would help by doing simple tasks such as putting away shopping baskets, aiding cashiers with bagging groceries, and bringing shopping carts inside the store. I also worked at the deli section when it first opened and took orders...

Rachel’s Avatar
Rachel Jan 13, 2018 1163 views

Other than samples of my writing, what is appropriate to be included in my portfolio and/or resume?

I am an adult-learner entering an entirely new field of employment. I am a paralegal student and am beginning to put together a portfolio. Samples of my writing will be included (case brief, legal memo, client letter, etc.), but I would like to know if it is appropriate for me to include...

Michal’s Avatar
Michal Jun 10, 2020 7045 views

What jobs can you get with an Associate of Arts degree, if any?

I will be graduating high school with an Associate of Arts degree through an early college program at a private university and I was wondering if the degree would help me get a job while in college? What things could I do with the degree/what opportunities would it give me, internship and...

Abby Lupi’s Avatar
Abby Nov 08, 2017 1450 views

Should I bring my resume to a college interview?

I feel like it could be useful, but I'm not sure. If so, what's the recommended length? How would it work with an online/Skype interview?

#college #interviews #resume

Jenna’s Avatar
Jenna May 13, 2018 1130 views

Is making a resume important to get ready for college?

In my Personal, Career, and Development Skills class, I was required to make a resume even though I am not applying for a job. I was wondering, is it important to have a resume to apply for college in the future? #resume #college #preparing-for-college #resume-writing #career-development

Stella’s Avatar
Stella Aug 02, 2018 1130 views

As an almost graduating college student, what are the key things I should put on my resume inorder to stand out for a job?

#college #jobs #students #student-development #student #resume #college-student#interview