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Anandharajan Jaishankar’s Avatar

Anandharajan Jaishankar

Software Engineer
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
3 Answers
7023 Reads
1 Karma

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William’s Avatar
William Oct 29, 2015 1946 views

What website is best to learn coding (Javascript, iOS, Unity)?

As a sort of follow up to my last question (, I am currently using a website called Code School (, but I want to know if that is a good website. It teaches...

ian’s Avatar
ian Oct 12, 2017 2293 views

What programming languages must you know for IT management or software engineer?

I know a couple languages, mostly high level but I was wondering If I have to learn C or C++ or ABC . I know python, bootstrap, html, css, java script, learning ruby and rails, and I am learning php and sql. #software-engineering #technology #web-development #computer-software #software...

christopher’s Avatar
christopher May 10, 2018 4960 views

what kind of programming language would you recommend for a computer engineer thats also a freshmen in high school?

were are doing a project at school about our carrier #technology #computer-science #software-engineering #computer-engineering #programming #software-development #computer-programming #python #java #C #javascript