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Vineeta Nair’s Avatar

Vineeta Nair

Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
3 Answers
5957 Reads
1 Karma

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Destney’s Avatar
Destney Aug 11, 2018 3900 views

Do you feel that college is necessary to have an successful career?

#career #careers #career-choice

MaryKate’s Avatar
MaryKate Apr 07, 2020 748 views

Are there online free informational courses to help people figure out what career they are interested in? If so, any in particular you would suggest?

I am a highschooler trying to figure out what career I might be interested in. And I am home much more and trying to find opportunities to learn more about those professions. #career

Kakwi’s Avatar
Kakwi Apr 07, 2020 1989 views

What is the highest paid job ?

A forward thinker who is open to learn and acquire new idea.

#business #any #human-resources #economics #entrepreneur #business-development #business-management #anthropology #sociology #socialthinker #job-search #marketing #money