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Nikhil Alampalli Ramu’s Avatar

Nikhil Alampalli Ramu

Network Engineer
Architecture and Engineering Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
3 Answers
8674 Reads
1 Karma

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Yenna’s Avatar
Yenna Sep 01, 2017 1502 views

What's the best way to make friends in college?

I am asking because I want to make good connections in college with the right people. #friends #networking #network

Demetrio’s Avatar
Demetrio Dec 11, 2016 1359 views

Interships which ones are right for you?

Hi , my name is Demetrio i'm a current undergad student at devry university im majoring in Network systems Administrator and would like to express some useful thought to those who dont have a clue about how to gain experience in your field that will be suitable in the future so, If you're a...

Caitlin’s Avatar
Caitlin Jul 12, 2018 7052 views

What part of your job do you love the most?

I am an incoming freshman (Undeclared) with interests in Civil Engineering, Environmental Policy, Biostatistics, Data Science, Sociology, Public Health, Entrepreneurship, Product Design, Network Administration, and Financial Analyst & Planning. I am exploring different career possibilities so I...