Career questions tagged undeclared

Can I get in med-school or dental school with a biochemistry degree?
I'm considering in getting biochemistry for my major, but I'm not sure of what I want to study. I want to be a dentist, but I'm also interested in cardio thoracic surgery and I haven't decide what to do yet. I'm also thinking in not declaring until my sophomore year in college.

I'm a 3rd year in college and I dont know if I should I keep my major, switch it, or become Undeclared for now?
I am a 3rd year in college recently I have upgraded my major from pre-psychology to psychology. The thing is that I'm not sure if I want to stick with Psychology , because I really don't know what I want to do anymore and am not sure if this is the right major for me anymore. Some majors I'm looking at and are interested in trying out are Business Management and Biology and I feel like that it's too late to get into those majors since I am going into my 3rd year. #major #college-major #college #university #psychology #research #business #biology #undeclared

What are the benefits of starting University within the Undeclared Arts, as compared to starting in one area of the arts, Does give the same experience?
Thinking of going into the arts and social sciences, but I am unsure of a single area as compared to the undeclared arts. #undeclared arts

What kinds of job do they have after graduating as a General Studies major of Bachelor of Science (in Education and Prof Studies)?
#general studies #undeclared #general-studies #college #major #college-major #science #education

Should I go to a more expensive, prestigious school for the experience and opportunities, or take a more affordable route so that I will have less financial burden in the future?
I got accepted to UCLA, however, I am wondering if it is worthwhile to attend UCLA if it means that I will create more debt for myself in the future. I want the diversity, club organizations, experience, and research opportunities that it offers (I am an Undeclared- Life Sciences major at the moment), although I am not sure what I want to do for a career or exactly what major I want. I have many varying interests in completely different areas (such as acrobatics, dance, biology, theater), and I am hoping that by attending such a diverse university that I will be able to explore these interests and define what is best for me. But then again, the debt (*sigh*). I also realize that it will be more cutthroat at such a university, and therefore I will have to dedicate more time towards studying and possibly might not be able to fit all the things I want to do into my schedule. If I go to a more affordable school, I may not have the same opportunities as at UCLA or be around as driven students as myself. Also, IT'S UCLA!! What should I do?? #UCLA #affordablility #experience #undeclared #choosing-a-college #college-selection #college #college-advice

What is better: going into a four-year university as "undeclared" or going to a community college for the first two years of school?
I am a senior in high school, and I don't know what I want to study in college. I'm currently taking IB classes which should cover my freshman year in college. I have an easy access to a community college system. I also have a high probability of getting into a 4 year school, economically speaking. #undergraduate #undeclared

To whomever it may apply to, how did you know what career path of psychology to pursue?
I am a senior in high school right now and I am searching some potential career opportunities for after a I graduate college. However, although I do have time to decide what to do with my life, I fear that I will not know what will interest me the best when deciding what direction of psychology to pursue as a career. #psychology #careers #undeclared