Kim Igleheart
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Do you have to be interested in current events and politics to be successful in a law profession?
I am interested in pursuing a law career path but I don't find myself extremely interested in current events or politics. #law #lawyer #politics
Do you have to have a college degree to be a police officer?
If my veterinarian plan does not work out I plan on doing law enforcement. #police #police-officer
What can I do to stand out from the competition in order to get a job?
I'm going into my junior year of high school this summer and was wondering, when trying to get a part-time, summer job as a 16 year old, what is the best way to seem distinguished and be preferable over the competition? #job-search #high-school #summer
How do you set goals to accomplish a long term goal?
I am asking to here other professionals options, I don't want to be closed to learning something new. #entrepreneurship #social-work #law-enforcement #japan #therapists #family-therapy #real-estate-agent
Do you have to be a police officer to be a Crime Scene Investigator and what is the job description?
I am really considering to be a crime scene investigator, but I really would not like to be a police officer. I've research many descriptions of the job, but none have given me a straight forward answer. Can someone please help me understand? #criminal-justice #law-enforcement #forensic...
I want to be a detective, but I do not want to be a police officer. Are there any other investigative careers in criminal justice?
I have always liked investigation and now being a senior in Highschool I need to know the route that I am going. I want to be involved in Criminal Justice and I want to be a detective. I look at other options like forensics, but I do not want to behind the counter. I want to be in the field...
Should I have a law enforcement career or a medical career?
Ever since I was a little girl I wanted to be a police officer but after years of thinking I actually think I might have a medical career. I still want to be a police officer but being an obstetrician (baby doctor) is now a big option. #medicine #police #law-enforcement #obstetrician
Are you allowed to put any of your professors down as references for applying to job?
I have never actually asked any of my professors this question. To me it sure seems like a very good idea because they are the ones who see how dedicated you are, motivated, and willing you are to work. Not to mention all the effort and devotion you put into your grades. I hope that this can...
What is the first step after graduating college?
I am a student going into my third year of high school. College is coming up really soon and I want to be ready and prepared when I graduate college. A lot of people don't seem like they know what to do after they actually get their degree. I want to use my time to the fullest and I don't want...
Is it okay if I am unsure as to what I want to study in college?
I am a senior in high school and I am about to start applying to colleges. I have done two Health Care-related internships but I am unsure if Health is the right career path for me. I am also interested in Education and Business and have been trying to consider my options for what major I...
What are different law enforcement agencies positions on hiring someone who has illegally downloaded?
What are different law enforcement agencies positions on hiring someone who has illegally downloaded? If someone downloaded less than 150 songs and 2 movies when they were 13 would that disqualify them from any position in law enforcement in the future? #criminal-justice #law-enforcement
Can a person with a Bachelors Degree counsel others?
Up coming Social Work student. #college #social-work
What does it take to be a successful and productive college student?
I'm preparing for college and I'm just curious about what challenges college throws at you. How can these challenges be avoided. #career-counseling #college-bound #mentoring #academic-advising
When is the right time to go to grad school? (Master's Program)
I am about to graduate from University of South Florida in Spring 2017. I am asking because I plan to get my master's in Criminology and Public Admin. but do not have enough saved up for it. #graduate-school #law-enforcement #criminology #student-counseling #public-safety
what is a good first job while in high school?
I want to find a part time job #job-search