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Kim Igleheart’s Avatar

Kim Igleheart

Career Counselor | Police Officer
Other - Legal Occupations - Community and Social Service Occupations
San Antonio, Texas
1695 Answers
2259155 Reads
9999 Karma


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Citizen Patrol

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Joseph’s Avatar
Joseph Jun 16, 2023 364 views

What would be an appropriate college course that complements the trade of welding, I would like to get a higher education (although not necessary) but would like to study something relevant to my vocation. Thank you!?

Job Corps Trainee in Welding, further education

Evie’s Avatar
Evie Jun 16, 2023 847 views

How do I know i can handle a job interview, What would i need to know for that?

I struggle with horrible anxiety and my parents honestly don't think i can even hand a job which sucks because i honesty want to make money and help my family so is there any advice i can get from anyone about jobs in general and what i should know about them and what can help to handle one...

Megan’s Avatar
Megan Jun 12, 2023 411 views

How can I get job interviews consistently?

I’ve been trying to find my first job for a very long time. I already customize every resume to each job application that I submit. Even though I am looking for my first job, I do have substantial volunteer experience (5 years). I know that job searching is a numbers game, but it doesn’t make...

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Jun 14, 2023 336 views

Is it realistic for a Bronx girl with “Bronx education” to try to become a nurse?

I’m a senior in high school. I am planning on going to bmcc and majoring in undeclared health so I can hopefully get into the nursing program. I'm scared that the pre-reqs will be hard

Note: this question was asked anonymously by a student

Emmanuella’s Avatar
Emmanuella Jun 14, 2023 247 views

What do I need to start doing to become a successful lawyer ?

What should I be doing as an aspiring lawyer?

1. Internships
2. Take LSAT classes
3. Read Law books

A lot of these options are obvious but I want to take the best first step.

ciara’s Avatar
ciara Jun 12, 2023 396 views

what is the hardest part of being a lawyer and what is the best?

I’m a senior in highschool and I’m considering law school but I’m not completely sure if it’s meant for me I thought some insight might help

Amber’s Avatar
Amber Jun 14, 2023 294 views

How to I begin my resume?

How to I begin my resume?

Keaira’s Avatar
Keaira Jun 13, 2023 354 views

How can one stand out beyond meeting expectations in an interview. What does going above and beyond in an interview look like beyond the standard “best practices”.?

I’ve been on interviews where I know I meet the requirements, I have the qualifications, and I am both calculated and personable during the interviews, meeting all the industry standards and applying techniques but still get passed up on opportunities that I’d be perfect for? I’ve nailed many...

Sydney’s Avatar
Sydney Jun 13, 2023 311 views

How can I focus while studying?

When attempting to study, often I find it hard trying actually to grasp the information or I tend to get distracted, and although I've looked up numerous techniques in order to focus none of them have actually been successful.

Brenda’s Avatar
Brenda Jun 10, 2023 1527 views

What are some important experiences or lessons you've learned from your own careers that could be helpful for others to know?

What specific skills or knowledge have those experiences taught you? Have they shaped you into the person you are today, and how? This can be a wide range of experiences/lessons such as learning how to balance work and life or how to overcome setbacks. I am currently planning on going into the...

Nghia’s Avatar
Nghia Jun 05, 2023 590 views

How can I join the military?

What is required for me to join the military? I want to just be a soldier to go out on the field and fight. I know there will be harsh training and death but I am up for the challenge.

Avery’s Avatar
Avery Jun 04, 2023 619 views

I'm getting trash talked at work, what do I do??

(TLDR at the end, but I would recommend you actually read the whole thing.) I'm 15 and I work with some other teenagers so my mom said it was normal im getting trash talked since. yknow. they're teens. But it's not the teens that i'm having a problem with, It's the literal grown adults. I...

Leilani’s Avatar
Leilani Jun 03, 2023 888 views

What should I bring with me to my very first interview and what are some keywords that I should not use during the interview.

This is my very first interview.

Aiden’s Avatar
Aiden Jun 02, 2023 391 views

What is important about college if there are some jobs that pay more than jobs if you go to college?

What is important about college if there are some jobs that pay more than jobs if you go to college? I have been wondering this question for a long time because I wanted to be an anesthesiologist but then I realized how long I would have to go to school for it, and it’s sooooo looong.

Sherode’s Avatar
Sherode May 31, 2023 320 views

What can I do to motivate myself and make sure I do my best In High School?

I am a freshman in High School looking to do better than I am right now. My current grade is a C.