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Kim Igleheart’s Avatar

Kim Igleheart

Career Counselor | Police Officer
Other - Legal Occupations - Community and Social Service Occupations
San Antonio, Texas
1694 Answers
2255646 Reads
9999 Karma


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Lakiriaha’s Avatar
Lakiriaha May 17, 2021 386 views

What is the proper evidence collection techniques employed by a criminal investigator?

I want to know how to show knowledge of properly handling the evidence and perseverance of it. #Inputs #guidance

Elvin’s Avatar
Elvin May 13, 2021 434 views

When you have a job you realize that like hey it pays good money but on the other hand you are getting bored of that position or job. How can you be sure if you want to stay with that job or follow another career.

I really do not have anything like a lot of jobs but I am to handle a few things when it comes to a project or something. #jobs

Michelle’s Avatar
Michelle May 10, 2021 1902 views

How would I be satisfied?

Hi, I’m a freshman in high school. Time is strange to me, this year had gone by fast. I will be in tenth grade next year and it’s scary. I mean I have no goals while everyone is running ahead already. I don’t even think I will make it to college. What happens after that? What if I’m just going...

Lakiriaha’s Avatar
Lakiriaha May 05, 2021 408 views

What should I be prepared for when I work in the criminal field?

I want to know what should be expected when begin working in the field. #curious

jocelyn’s Avatar
jocelyn May 04, 2021 625 views

How do i know that the career i want is what i am really going to do?

I like criminal justice. I've liked it since 6th grade. I know a lot about topics I need to know in criminal justice. I don't know if this is going to be my real job or not #career

Beth’s Avatar
Beth Apr 29, 2021 1213 views

What's the key to solving life's problems?

#psychology #mentalhealth

Darren’s Avatar
Darren Apr 26, 2021 754 views

How can I identify if what really are my weaknesses?

I am afraid of failures. #healthcare #medicine #college-bound

AREF’s Avatar
AREF Apr 25, 2021 770 views

Do you think that age determines the change of job?

#jobs #first-job #job-market #summer-jobs #job #job #job #job #job #job #job

Connie’s Avatar
Connie Apr 24, 2021 710 views

What would you advise a Senior who is going to college this year?

Hi! I am a senior high school right now, and I will be going to college in this Fall. Please give me some advices. Thank you so much! #college

CareerVillage Office Hours’s Avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours Apr 19, 2021 2022 views

How do you deal with pressure or stressful situations?

Office Hours #4: AMA (Ask Me Anything) with Mark Eagle This question was posed by a question during one of our most recent "CareerVillage Office Hours" sessions. During Office Hours sessions, we invite students to pose questions related to a specific topic. In this case, the topic was...

Shi’s Avatar
Shi Apr 15, 2021 4239 views

How much free time do you usually have per day while working a full time job? Is it enough?

I am in the 11th grade and am trying to find what I love to do. #jobs #employment

Nino’s Avatar
Nino Apr 15, 2021 484 views

What are some of the biggest mistakes you made trying to get into your career?

#mistakes #learningexperience

Florence’s Avatar
Florence Apr 08, 2021 746 views

I fear talking to the public and how can I overcome that

I am somehow shy
I talk much when I get to know one better
Fear to bring up an idea in public

Drake’s Avatar
Drake Apr 06, 2021 884 views

Why did you choose to be on Career Village?

I am excited to learn more about what there is to offer! #career-development

Nicolas’s Avatar
Nicolas Apr 05, 2021 442 views

If you could live anywhere, where would it be?

I like eat waffles for breakfast. #editor