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Amanda Triplett, Ph.D.’s Avatar

Amanda Triplett, Ph.D.

Account Executive
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Sales and Related Occupations
Mandeville, Louisiana
4 Answers
5590 Reads
41 Karma

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Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah Apr 29, 2020 1800 views

If I get a bachelor's of sciences, taking all of the courses needed to apply to a pharmacy school and I don't get in, what can I do then? What other career or other graduate school can I go into?

#college #pharmacy #pharmacist #medicine #degree #major #bachelor #health #science

Arisa’s Avatar
Arisa Apr 29, 2020 1441 views

How did you know what you wanted to do for your career?

In what stage of your educational life did you realize what you wanted to do or are passionate about? I feel pressured and stressed about the fact that I don't know what to do because I feel like everyone else does. Are there any suggestions as to what I should do to get a sense of what I like?...

John’s Avatar
John Apr 27, 2020 888 views

How do I go about getting scholarships for my masters degree program?

I am a student of Information and communications engineering, I have keen interest in the fields of information security, IoT and software development. I am currently a 4th year student of Covenant University in Nigeria, I am looking to do my masters in the field of software engineering in...

Daisy’s Avatar
Daisy Apr 28, 2020 1575 views

How do i know what career is right for me?

I'm in college right now, about to graduate with my associates. During my childhood I wanted to be a teacher, then as I got older I wanted to be a therapist or councilor. I just turned 20 in April and I think it's time i have a better idea of what I actually want for my future. I want to be in...