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Austin Shelpuk’s Avatar

Austin Shelpuk

Recruiting Manager
Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
San Francisco, California
7 Answers
24953 Reads
101 Karma


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Aleena’s Avatar
Aleena Apr 25, 2020 932 views

How can I receive mentorship in business?

#money #entrepreneur

Tien’s Avatar
Tien Apr 27, 2020 9141 views

What should I choose between Technology or Business , I prefer both but which is more benefit and easy to get the job irl ?

I always chasing my dream since it no more my dreams then it will be my goal #success #business #technology #career

Whitney’s Avatar
Whitney Apr 30, 2020 671 views

How much do surgical nurses and NICU nurses get paid? I've been researching and I keep getting a wide range of answers.

Trying to decide what type of nurse I want to be. Researching about both #nurse #nursing #healthcare #doctor #medicine

Mae Ling’s Avatar
Mae Ling Apr 28, 2020 4268 views

How should I ask to shadow a professional?

I'm looking to shadow an SLP, but I'm unsure about how to approach them. #speech-pathology #job-shadowing #career

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Apr 28, 2020 734 views

Are there any Environmental Engineers out there interested in having a 20 minute zoom call with a college student?

I am an academic counselor looking to help a student make a connection. #engineer #environmental-engineering #academic-advising

Nancy’s Avatar
Nancy Apr 29, 2020 6699 views

Where Do I Start Investing For Beginner ?

I keep hearing about investing some money, so I decided to give it a try.
But I need help?
How do I start investing?
What app is good for investing?

#finance #accounting #investment-management #money #career #COVID19 #Help #money

Rosario’s Avatar
Rosario Apr 29, 2020 3203 views

How can i know what career is best for me

Im having trouble deciding what to do in the future #career #career #career-choice #career-counseling