Groton, Massachusetts
When can you start a business ?
Does it have to take a license or a degree to start a business that you love to do
How do I choose a career path that suits me?
For reference, I am a high schooler interested in math, business, design, and computer science. I am seeking advice because I do not want to go into a career path that I will regret or get bored of.
what are the requirements to be a Registered Dietitian?
It varies by state
most states require a bachelors degree, a masters long with internships, and pass an exam to be a licensed nutritionist
When should I start college searching?
Im a junior and I feel like I should have a better idea about college and majors, and I really don’t. How do I know what to look for in a college?
What am I doing wrong when trying to get a job?
I've been trying to get a job but business never respond back to me. What am I doing wrong? I've been using LinkedIn, Indeed, and ZipRecruiter.
What college majors are recommended for someone who wants to further their sustainable horticulture education past a tech school?
What college majors are recommended for someone who wants to further their sustainable horticulture education past a tech school? I want to go to college and further my education but I cannot find a Major that appeals to me.
Trying to ask a question as a teacher
How can a teacher ask questions? I'm just wondering because someone I know is a teacher and is frustrated because he can ask any questions! Thank you in advance!
How do you start the process of getting into scholarships?
I would like to go for education but I may not have the funds for college. How would i start getting scholarships?
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