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willa’s Avatar
willa Oct 23, 2020 577 views

What requirements are needed to work as a pediatrician?

I'm in the eleventh grade and I am exploring the different options of careers that I am leaning towards, a pediatrician is one of them. I love being around kids and I also love learning about the body so I'm very interested in learning more about this career. What are the skills and...

Gabriella’s Avatar
Gabriella Oct 23, 2020 497 views

What are some of the pros and cons of becoming a registered nurse?

I am a sophomore in high school and looking to work in the medical field. I have recently been interested in becoming a registered nurse after college, but I do not know a lot about the job. What are some of the pros and cons of the job and/or working in the medical field? #nursing #medicine...

emily’s Avatar
emily Oct 23, 2020 465 views

how can i become a counselor with only a bachelors degree?

#business #career #counselor

Colby’s Avatar
Colby Oct 23, 2020 1984 views

What do you have to do to become a Fire Fighter

Hi I am in 12 grade and this career has been interesting me for a while.I have no definite plan on what to do after school and I am scared for my future especially because my brain is not set just on this career but I just need some clarification
#firefighter #firefighting

Owen’s Avatar
Owen Oct 23, 2020 475 views

What is daily life of a welder like

I have been thinking I've like the idea of welding as a whole as I love to see creations come together just how i want them to and I just wanted to see how a welder lives there normal life #welding

marc’s Avatar
marc Oct 23, 2020 528 views

what are drawbacks of being a physical trainer

I wanted to know what could be some of the bad things that being a physical trainer are. #physical-trainer #athletic-training #sports-medicine

morgan’s Avatar
morgan Oct 23, 2020 710 views

I am in the 11th grade and I am just beginning to explore my future career, what are some careers and helpful next steps I should consider based on my passions and interests?

At school, I am interested in Science, Politics, and History. My hobbies include reading, skateboarding, and music. A topic I am passionate about is Science I have always been interested in science ever since I was younger. What are some career options that best align with these interests and...

emily’s Avatar
emily Oct 23, 2020 686 views

What are the requirements to be a drug abuse counselor?

#counselor #counseling

Kelsey’s Avatar
Kelsey Oct 23, 2020 544 views

I am in 10th grade and I am thinking of becoming a psychiatrist. What is the average day in the life of being a psychiatrist and what tasks are involved on a daily basis?

#psychiatrist #psychiatry #healthscience

marc’s Avatar
marc Oct 23, 2020 394 views

what classes should I take if I want to become a physical trainer

I'm a sophomore in high school and I always wanted to stay active. I want to set my self the best I can to be good at my job. #high school

Owen’s Avatar
Owen Oct 23, 2020 474 views

What is a day in the life of an Electrician like?

Hello, I am a sophomore in high school looking at becoming an electrician and I would just like to know what a day in the life is like, so that I will better be able to tell if this is something I will really be interested in. #career #high-school #electrician

Jillian’s Avatar
Jillian Oct 23, 2020 970 views

What kind of degree do you need to become a nurse practitioner

I am in 10th grade and I have thought about going into nursing for a long time now. I've never really thought about anything else but nursing is one of my top choices as a future career. #nursing #medicine #student

Owen’s Avatar
Owen Oct 23, 2020 501 views

I have though and thought about careers but I just don't know what specific paths I should think of following or any specific careers

I like to work with my hands and find out how things work; I am constantly on the move so I would really like a job that would keep me on my toes. I also really enjoy cars and trucks and anything of the sorts as well as football wrestling and track. I am a solid 3.8 student in 5 advanced...

marc’s Avatar
marc Oct 23, 2020 397 views

What is the average salary for a physical trainer

I am a sophomore in high school that plays sports and I am interested in staying active threw out my career. #carrer

emily’s Avatar
emily Oct 23, 2020 1357 views

What are skills needed to work in Human Services?

#human-resources #social-work #social-services

Brandon’s Avatar
Brandon Oct 23, 2020 636 views

Whats the best way to get experience in the realtor business

I'm a Junior in high school and am interested in being a Real Estate Agent. What are some Jobs or classes I can take to best prepare me for that Job. #high-school #realtor

Owen’s Avatar
Owen Oct 23, 2020 633 views

Are there any high school classes that would help in my pursuit to becoming and electrician?

I am a high school student who is looking at becoming an electrician after graduating. I would like to know if there are any classes you would suggest taking to help me better prepare myself for when I go into the industry? #technology #electrician #high-school

Owen’s Avatar
Owen Oct 23, 2020 465 views

What is the training like when becoming an Electrician?

I am a high school student looking at becoming an electrician after graduating. I would just like a description of what companies will have you do for your training before starting the job. #technology #electrician

Angie’s Avatar
Angie Oct 23, 2020 664 views

How do you keep the attention of little kids/what activities and techniques have you discovered work well?

I am a high school senior looking to perfect my pathway for the future. I am accepted into Cedarville University in southern Ohio, and I plan to to major in Early Childhood Education. After college, I plan to become a teacher for a grade level between kindergarten and 5th grade....

Aiyana’s Avatar
Aiyana Oct 23, 2020 429 views

How many jobs should I keep in mind incase I don't keep the current one?

Artistic, Social, Bold, Determined, Open minded, Honest, and Trustworthy #social #students

Caitlin’s Avatar
Caitlin Oct 23, 2020 509 views

How do i choose the right college for me ?

I am looking for a good college to further my education #nursing

Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Oct 23, 2020 491 views

What can I do in high school to prepare me for the college classes for air traffic controlling?

Im a high school student who is wondering what he can do to prepare himself or get ready for the college classes for air traffic controlling. I would like to know if I could do anything to help me out so by the time I start practicing to become one in college I have somewhat of a clue of what...

Riley’s Avatar
Riley Oct 23, 2020 542 views

What advice would you give someone considering becoming an anesthesiologist?

I am a senior looking into the medical field. It has always interested me. I initially wanted to be a surgeon, but now I have been really focused and set on becoming n anesthesiologist. #anesthesiologist, #doctor

Camille’s Avatar
Camille Oct 23, 2020 505 views

Will being able to speak a foreign language benefit me in this career choice involved in sports broadcasting?

I am a high school junior and am beginning to explore my options for my future following high school. It has been a dream of mine for quite some time to be involved in sports, particularly the NBA, as a post game interviewer. I would appreciate any tips or advice to get started in this...

Riley’s Avatar
Riley Oct 23, 2020 502 views

What are the work conditions like being an anesthesiologist?

I am a senior looking into the medical field. It has always interested me. I initially wanted to be a surgeon, but now I have been really focused and set on becoming n anesthesiologist. #anesthesiologist, #doctor #pre-med

Mallory’s Avatar
Mallory Oct 23, 2020 1748 views

Is the LSAT similar to the ACT and what is the average scores for it?

Is the LSAT have a similar concept to the ACT? What is a normal or average score on the LSAT? #College #LSAT

Riley’s Avatar
Riley Oct 23, 2020 2379 views

What are some pros and cons of being an anesthesiologist?

I am a senior looking into the medical field. It has always interested me. I initially wanted to be a surgeon, but now I have been really focused and set on becoming n anesthesiologist. #anesthesiologist, #doctor

Angie’s Avatar
Angie Oct 23, 2020 732 views

How do you manage misbehaving children?

I am a high school senior looking to perfect my pathway for the future. I am accepted into Cedarville University in southern Ohio, and I plan to to major in Early Childhood Education. After college, I plan to become a teacher for a grade level between kindergarten and 5th grade....

Matthew’s Avatar
Matthew Oct 23, 2020 408 views

Actually how hard is schooling in college to become an air traffic controller?

Im a high school student that would like to know how hard the schooling is for this occupation when you get to college. Ive done research and it has said its not easy and I get that but I dont want it to be super hard and stressful to the point where I do this in college and then end up not...

Angie’s Avatar
Angie Oct 23, 2020 2682 views

How would you describe your classroom management structure?

I am a high school senior looking to perfect my pathway for the future. I am accepted into Cedarville University in southern Ohio, and I plan to to major in Early Childhood Education. After college, I plan to become a teacher for a grade level between kindergarten and 5th grade....

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