6 answers
How often should I reach out to my Academic Advisor ?
I think it is a great idea for me to establish great communication with my Academic Advisor so I can keep on taking the necessary course for my degree. Not only that but I have been given great personal and professional advice and resources. I don't want to overstep my boundaries by asking a ton of questions all the time, but I would like to utilize as many resources, advice, and opportunities as my advisor can provide me.
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6 answers

Kellee Scott
Director, MBA Admissions at USC Marshall School of Business
Los Angeles, California
Kellee’s Answer
Hi Eboni,
You should never feel you are overstepping boundaries connecting with your advisor. That's what they are there for, to support you. You may need to connect more often before class drop/add dates to get some final advise on your best class selections.
All the best to you!
You should never feel you are overstepping boundaries connecting with your advisor. That's what they are there for, to support you. You may need to connect more often before class drop/add dates to get some final advise on your best class selections.
All the best to you!
Anil Yasin’s Answer
Hello Eboni,
There is not a quick or easy answer for this. It depends on your circumstances. If you are working on a project with your advisor, it is a good idea to have a half hour session once in a week. If it is general career or academic path related advising, it might be ideal to have once in a month or twice. Also, don’t be shy to ask what they are thinking and what their schedule look like. Majority of academics and advisors like to help students. However, the time we share should be well organized and serve a purpose. If you establish what you want to talk about and create a schedule with your advisor, I am pretty sure you would get a great benefit out of it.
Do not think that you are overstepping. As long as you have a clear understanding of what you want to achieve through this sessions, it should be okay.
My final input would be the assessing your relationship with your advisor. Sometimes, we want to see more willing and action from students to connect. You can simply check this through asking them if they are available for more frequent meetings to check your progress over the things since you find their help insightful.
I hope this helps.
There is not a quick or easy answer for this. It depends on your circumstances. If you are working on a project with your advisor, it is a good idea to have a half hour session once in a week. If it is general career or academic path related advising, it might be ideal to have once in a month or twice. Also, don’t be shy to ask what they are thinking and what their schedule look like. Majority of academics and advisors like to help students. However, the time we share should be well organized and serve a purpose. If you establish what you want to talk about and create a schedule with your advisor, I am pretty sure you would get a great benefit out of it.
Do not think that you are overstepping. As long as you have a clear understanding of what you want to achieve through this sessions, it should be okay.
My final input would be the assessing your relationship with your advisor. Sometimes, we want to see more willing and action from students to connect. You can simply check this through asking them if they are available for more frequent meetings to check your progress over the things since you find their help insightful.
I hope this helps.
Chirayu’s Answer
Most universities recommend meeting your academic advisor at least once a semester. In some cases you may need to speak to them more often than that, but you shouldn’t leave too long between advising sessions. This is because meeting frequently with your academic advisor is a good way to get a sense check on how things are going. And it allows you to address potential issues before they become problems. They may be able to help you navigate a roadblock that you haven’t seen yet and guide you in the right path.
Letia’s Answer
I think it is a good idea to connect each semester. Depending on your major, it will be essential that you take suitable courses at the right time to ensure on-time graduation. There are some majors where required classes may be offered sporadically or at odd times, and you want to be sure that you stick to a schedule that allows you to complete those classes.
Evelyn’s Answer
Hey! Something that worked for me when I first started college was meeting once every 2 months with my advisor because I know that I needed that support. I would schedule my meetings with my advisor early in the year because their schedules get filled up quickly. During my meetings I would talk about things going well and goals I was working towards. I found myself that as I navigated senior year I didn't really need specific support but more so wanted to continue growing the relationship. My advisor has written letter of recommendation for jobs and scholarships so I definitely recommend nurturing that relationship. It's up to you and their availability how often, but make sure it's reoccurring and you have check-in points over the year.
P.S if you ever need their help, know that you can always email them. It doesn't always need to be an appointment but established and communication those needs with them. They are here to help (:
P.S if you ever need their help, know that you can always email them. It doesn't always need to be an appointment but established and communication those needs with them. They are here to help (:

Paul Goetzinger MPA
Academic and Career Consultant and Freelance Writer
Seattle, Washington
Paul’s Answer
I would suggest once visit at least every term.
Some students get the habit of only coming when they encounter difficulties.
But, if there is something that needs to be changed or updated, it is best to see them once a quarter or semester.
Some students get the habit of only coming when they encounter difficulties.
But, if there is something that needs to be changed or updated, it is best to see them once a quarter or semester.