Career questions tagged backup

Should I dual major?
I am a social work major and I am indecisive if I should dual major with health management. I want to have a back up plan in case if things don't go as planned in the real world but I don't know if taking more classes to complete the H.M major in the following semesters is a good idea. #socialwork #healthmanagement #dualmajor #health #college #college-major #backup #classes #decision-making

What major works best for a soon to be Pre-Med student but also allows a back-up plan?
I plan on pursuing Pre-Med in college, however I must declare a major. I want to choose something that I can also rely on (like a back-up) if I decide that Medical School isn't for me. Of course, I don't plan on quitting, but I'm worried that if something were to happen then I would be stuck without a plan B (that and my advisor said we NEED a back-up plan). Then there is also the issue of looking 'unique' med schools, so probably not the generic "Biomedical" or "Biology" (I don't want my back up to be a teacher). What types of majors should I look into? #college-major #pre-med #backup