Career questions tagged bioengineer

Job positions for Biology/Bioengineer graduate
I am having trouble trying to get a job with my dual degree (B.S. Biology/M.S. Bioengineering) within my area. I initially got into this field to be part of the medical field but I haven't had many interviews since I started my job hunt. #job #bioengineer

Where do people who wanna be bioengineers find jobs?
#career #job #career-path #job-search #bioengineer #biomedicalengineer #helpmeplzhaha

How can I get in contact with people in the profession I'm considering?
I have wanted to become a biomedical engineer for many years, but there are many times when I wonder whether I would truly thrive in this career. I would love to shadow a biomedical engineer, especially as I want to declare my major in college as soon as possible. Is it rude or unacceptable for aspiring students to ask to spend time in the workplace? There aren't many interning positions a high school student is allowed to take up, but even standing on the sidelines for a single day can help students like me get a grasp of what a day of work as a biomedical engineer is like. #hungry-for-info #choosing-a-major #biomedical-engineering #biomedical #biotechnology #bioengineering #bioengineer

Is Chemical Engineering or Bioengineering more rewarding regarding jobs?
I have narrowed my career path down to two types of engineering. I would like to know which of the two are more respectable or necessary when it comes to getting a job. #engineering #engineer #chemical #bioengineer