Career questions tagged chemicalengineer

What courses do you have to take/recommend taking in high school and college to become a successful chemical engineer?
As a rising junior I’m already taking 4 AP classes, including AP Chemistry, but I’m not sure if I should be taking AP Physics and AP Biology senior year to set up my path for becoming a chemical engineer. #chemicalengineer #highschoolcourses #AP #engineer #chemical-engineering #course-selection #Engineering #classes #high-school

What is a typical day like for chemical engineers and how would it be different based on your graduates degree?
I want a general job description from a chemical engineer firsthand. #chemicalengineer #dailyroutine #jobdescription #engineer #chemical-engineering #engineering

How do you decide on a specific type of engineering?
There are so many fields, and I know exactly which ones I know I don't want to be, but there are still so many options that I could go into. I'm thinking Chemical, Packaging, or Mechanical but I don't know what makes any of them better than the others. #engineer #chemicalengineer #packaging #mechaincalengineer #packagingengineer