Career questions tagged curator

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Lu'Chana263 views

What job opportunities are sufficient and efficient for a PhD student writing a dissertation, about to take a comprehensive exam, and currently working as a high school/college art teacher wanting to leave the education system with a museum studies background?

Jobs about urban history, museums, and the arts.

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Norah1023 views

How competitive is the museum curator career field?

Is finding a job as a museum curator difficult because of the competitive career field? Is the job search difficult? Is the job search worth it? #job-search #curator #museum #museums #art #fine-arts #art-history

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Norah1334 views

Are the sallary and benefits that musem curators typically get worth it?

I'm doing a project on museum curators and want to know about the typical salary of the career. Is the average salary worth it? Are there usually good benefits for this career, are they worth it? #career #curator #museum #art #salary #fine-art

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Norah951 views

What does a day in the life of a Museum Curator look like?

I'm writing a blog for class about working as a Museum Curator. #history #anthropology #museum #art #work #blog #curator

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Julieta950 views

What other degrees will be good to go into a Museum Curator based job?

I want to work in a museum as either a curator or a preservationist but I don't know what employers are specifically looking for #arthistory #curator #museumstudies #museums-and-institutions

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Lauren1063 views

What is it actually like to get a degree in art history?

I've heard a lot of things about majoring in art history. Some say that people go on to fulfilling careers but some say that, because the job market is so competitive, most people are forced to work in jobs that have nothing to do with art history. Or go without a job altogether... What is the job market like for this field? What are some jobs that art history majors go into? Is there any hope for someone who loves art history and wants to spend their career working with it? #art #historian #curator #conservator

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Joshua1287 views

I'm interested in becoming a curator after college and wanted to know if the salary for this specific career is decreasing as years go on or at a constant or increasing.

Just wanted to know. #art #history #museums #curator

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