Career questions tagged dermotologist

Which major is best for someone who wants to become a future dermatologist and why exactly?
Currently a high school rising senior, 16 year old, applying to college soon!
Active Sep 03, 2024

What is the hardest thing dermatologist face when dealing with a patient ?
Hi my name is Miguel and I’m a 13 year old middle school student, I’m thinking on working as a dermatologist in the future. I would first like to know if I like this job, I would also like to know the challenges dermatologist face in their daily life and how they deal with patients that are challenging to work with.
Active Dec 30, 2023

How do I become a dermatologist?
I have completed my 12th. I want to become a doctor (dermatologist), and i want to know the best college and fee information in bangalore. [P.S. This question was edited by a site admin for grammar and clarity.] #doctor #medicine #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care #dermotologist
Active Apr 14, 2024