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Cera’s Avatar


Tecumseh, Michigan
8 Questions
1177 Karma

Cera’s Career Goals

I want to be an animal trainer, specifically horses and maybe dogs, and a horse riding instructor.



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Cera Nov 06, 2024 1191 views

Studying Abroad (From US to UK)

I'm currently a junior in high school, and I've recently started looking into colleges out of the US and there's a few that look amazing. I just want to know other peoples' opinions and experience, whether it's a good idea, how hard it is, what I should do in preparation, basic information...

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Cera Mar 06, 2023 1218 views

Should I take classes that I enjoy or ones that will help me in the future?

At my school, we can take special classes out of the school, like nursing prep, horticulture, culinary, etc. that I'm interested in. I'm torn between multiple though, Culinary, Horticulture, Agriculture, and Educational Careers. Would it be smarter to take the class that will be more beneficial...

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Cera Feb 06, 2023 1303 views

College vs. University vs. Trade School

I've been thinking about where I'm going to go after high school, and I realized I don't really know much about the differences between the three. My goal is to become a horse trainer/riding instructor and either a teacher or a psychologist/therapist. If I become a teacher, I'd...

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Cera Oct 27, 2022 488 views

What should I do to study plants in college if it isn't a main career goal/path?

I love gardening and plants and love learning about them. I took a small horticulture class through 4-H last year, which I really enjoyed. But, I don't plan on doing stuff with plants as a full-time career, I'd like to do it more as a hobby. So, I was wondering what I should do for high school...

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Cera Aug 15, 2022 740 views

I'm trying to see where I want to live after college, any ideas?

So, my goal is to go to college and study equine, though I'm still not sure where I'll go. I want to be a horse trainer and a riding instructor, and after college my goal is to eventually get a horse farm where I can board horses, train them, and teach riding. I just have no idea where I want...

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Cera Aug 11, 2022 890 views

Is my career choice a good decision?

I'm only a freshman in high school, so I am able to change my decision, but I think this is probably what I want to do. I just wanted some more peoples' opinions about it, whether I should minor in something else as a backup plan or something. So, my plan is to major in an equine degree in...

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Cera Aug 09, 2022 3276 views

Things to Research About Colleges

I've been looking at colleges for a while now trying to narrow down what one I'd like to go to. I just want to see what kinds of things to look for that make one college better than the other. I plan on living in the dorms, so I'll definitely look at those, but other than that (and the fact...

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Cera Aug 09, 2022 1186 views

Does anyone know of any good equine colleges?

I have a few years to think about it, so it's not a rushed decision by any means, but I have been looking around at colleges and have a small list. I was wondering if anyone else had any other colleges that would be good for me to add to my list. So, I want to go to college and major in Equine...