Career questions tagged general-education-questions

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Ava408 views

Where should I take my gap year?

Hello there! I am a high school junior starting in August 2024 and I intend on taking a gap year while taking some online gen-ed classes but I don't know where to go. Some things to know: - I don't like insects, so just as few as possible but I'm flexible - AC please <3 - I LOVE the ocean, swimming, lakes, waterfalls, swimming. Really any water (: - I grew up in stereotypical California so similar weather conditions would be awesome, just not the desert or Antarctica LOL

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undefined's avatar
CareerVillage Office Hours1002 views

What are general education classes and why are they a requirement in college?

This is part of the professionals series

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Hong An832 views

Can I take only general education courses the first couple years of college?

I am unsure about what career I want and am currently debating between going into the education or medical field. I'm thinking about focusing on fulfilling the general education requirements first before going into any specific required classes. If this is possible, what classes should I take to fulfill general education? #undecided #picking-classes ##general-education-questions

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