Career questions tagged kindergarten

What type of degree will I need to be a kindergarten teacher?
I am a 12th grader in New York and I was wondering what degree I'll need and how long I'll be in college for to obtain the degree(s)

What are the requirements to be a kindergarten teacher in nyc?
I am a 12th grader living in New York looking to be a kindergarten teacher. I was wondering what type of schooling I'll need in order to be one.

What are personal stories of success or struggles that you have gone through while teaching?
I am a senior in high school and I am genuinely interested in becoming a Kindergarten teacher. I am asking this question to individual people who are or have been teachers. I am just wondering if there are any stories that you could share about a moment when you felt successful, or felt like you could do better. I would very much like to know, in the case of struggles, how you dealt with those struggles? Any input would be absolutely wonderful! Thank you so much. #teaching #school #success #early-childhood-education #kindergarten