Career questions tagged save-money

Where can I get cheap or free textbooks?
College is expensive and textbooks are even more so. So I would love to know if there's a way to cut the costs. #money-management #save-money #college

Why is trade school so taboo in the US?
In Germany, it is completely normal for students that have graduated school to go directly into a trade school instead of college; in fact, students can learn to be in IT through hands-on learning. In the US, most are encouraged to attend college for four or so years to get a degree before actually seeing the realities of the career they're entering, and vocational schools are scoffed at, even though they can be sometimes even better at preparing students to work. Can anybody who has been in vocational school or traditional university (or both) explain what disadvantages there may be to trade school that have built up this cultural attitude? I'm intrigued to see if it may be more worthy to save money from a college route and embark on an experience-based journey to a life-long career. #trade-school #vocational-school #tech #science #information-technology #foreign #save-money #university #united-states