Career questions tagged science-careers

Looking for science related career path?
I am really unsure what I want to do.. No Med school, no patient care, no teaching. I really enjoy science itself but sitting and doing research my whole life just sounds boring. If anyone can help with a lucrative career path that has to do with science. I really liked immunology, etc in college. Also would like to hear thoughts about Masters Programs if I’m unsure what my career path will be . Thanks!
Active Dec 22, 2023

How do I really know my life long vocation ?
I don't know if I want to be a musician or be in the science fields.
Active Nov 29, 2023

I want to study marine biology, is it worth it, and why?
Is studying in marine biology fulfilling? What made you want to study marine biology? Do you get to work with animals often?
Active Dec 05, 2023