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carolyn pleasants’s Avatar

carolyn pleasants

Real Estate
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Transportation and Material Moving Occupations
Arlington, Virginia
5 Answers
3652 Reads
21 Karma

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kaitlyn’s Avatar
kaitlyn Sep 01, 2017 929 views

Business or health care management

I really like both majors and I'm interested in both but I feel as though my family is pushing me towards Health Care management and I don't want to decide my future based on only what they want for me rather than what I will be happy doing #business #healthcare-management

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah Jan 13, 2018 978 views

Does a person with a Business degree get a better chance to be hired?

I've heard that people with a degree in business management have a better chance at getting management jobs. Is this true? I'm thinking about majoring in Business Management and minoring in Writing. #management #business

Alina’s Avatar
Alina Mar 20, 2018 793 views

What is the best study tool to learn economics for beginners?

I am taking Competitive Strategy at the Yale School of Management this semester. I have no economics background and even though the material isn't completely over my head, I feel intimidated and behind. What can I do to catch up, even a little? Is there a one-stop website or book that can...

Vanessa’s Avatar
Vanessa May 28, 2018 801 views

Do applying as undeclared hold you back from graduating from a university in four years?

I want to graduate in four years but I feel that applying as undeclared may cause me to spend time and money on classes that won't be useful for my major. #money #colleges #money-management

danieh’s Avatar
danieh May 11, 2020 1326 views

Math is not one of my strongest strengths. Will I struggle in the area of economics because of this.

Hi, I'm a 16-year-old high school student determined to get an education in the areas of economics and business. I have many strengths but one of them does not include math. The Idea of this extremely bothers me because I feel as if I will struggle. Any advice? (thank you for all the...