Jane’s Career Goals
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Tags on answered questions

Is electrical engineering right for me?
Hello! I'm a high school senior applying for college, and I know I want to do engineering but I'm still a bit unsure about what type to apply for. I was considering Electrical Engineering because the classes sound interesting and I've read up on a couple topics independently because of that,...

What are some of the most meaningful non-healthcare STEM careers?
#stem #women-in-stem #women-in-tech #careers #mathematics #stemcareers #science #engineering #technology #impact

What is it like to be a woman in engineering?
#engineers #biomedical-engineering #mechanical-engineering #career-counseling #women #stem #technology #college #engineering #chemical-engineering #women-in-stem #stemcareers #women-in-tech

What's a day in the life of a career related to artificial intelligence? What options are there to work in that field?
#JULY20 #career #ai #artificial-intelligence #day-in-life #options #career-choice

What's a day in the life of a biomedical engineer versus a chemical engineer?
#JULY20 #engineering #biomedical #chemical #biomed #chem #day-in-life #engineer

What are good colleges that could have good programs for CS and Cog Sci?
I'm a rising senior considering double-majoring.
#college #computer-science #college-advice #college-admissions #cogsci #cognitive #psychology #cs

How feasible is double majoring in CS and Cog Sci? What types of careers can you get from that double major?
#psychology #career #college-major #major #cogsci #cognitive #computer-science #cs

What is the most useful minor to pair with a Cog Sci major?
#cogsci #cognitive-science #cs #major #choosing-a-major #college-major #college-minor #computer-science #psychology #neuroscience

What careers can you be from a Cognitive Science major?
#cogsci #cognitive #major #computer-science #computer-science #science #career #psychology #neuroscience

How do I know if engineering is the right field for me?
Hi! I'm currently a high school student trying to figure out what to major in for college. I enjoy solving problems and learning math/science, but I've never really been the type of person to take things apart and put them together just for the sake of it. Could I still consider being an...

How did you know you wanted to become a doctor?
#doctor #medicine #healthcare #medical

I'm really interested in understanding human behavior and solving problems, but I don't have extensive tech experience. Could a career in AI be right for me?
Hi! I'm a high school student trying to figure out possible career paths I would be suited for. I've always been interested in language, neuropsychology; finding a way to integrate that with upcoming tech sounds fascinating. #technology #ai #artificialintelligence #behavior #computerscience...

What careers can you get from a statistics major with a psychology minor?
#college-minor #college-major #statistics #psychology #math #career

How do I know if a career in artificial intelligence is right for me?
#career-choice #career-counseling #ai #artificialintelligence #machinelearning #technology #tech