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John Dudek, PMP’s Avatar

John Dudek, PMP

Program Management
Management Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Austin, Texas
6 Answers
9973 Reads
12 Karma

Active Locations

Leion’s Avatar
Leion Sep 24, 2016 6192 views

Project Manager

What do Project Managers do? #professional #management #graduate #japan #manager #project #institute #agile

Jose’s Avatar
Jose Oct 30, 2020 784 views

If your internship position doesn’t line up with your current career pursuits or understanding of the industry that you are pursuing. What risk are there if you can’t find motivation to focus and learn from these situations?

#internships #career #technology #computer

Marcos’s Avatar
Marcos Nov 05, 2020 955 views

I'm stuck on choosing between engineer, dentist or business careers, where do i begin?

I enjoy playing sports, such as basketball, football and soccer. I would like to find something that will help financially. #dentistry, #engineer, #business

joseph’s Avatar
joseph Jan 23, 2018 808 views

do you need to get pepper sprayed to be an agent

I want to be a wildlife and fisheries agent #us-fish-and-wildlife

Jade’s Avatar
Jade Aug 31, 2017 1157 views

What are some career options that involve wildlife preservation or forestry?

I am extremely interested in Wildlife and Forestry. I want to study something along those lines for my major. But when it comes down to it, what kind of jobs are available under a degree along those lines? What options do I have in the State of Utah? #wildlife-conservation...

Brandon’s Avatar
Brandon Apr 06, 2018 2310 views

Do you have to go through Q School to get to the PGA?

I am wondering if you can just go straight from college or not.#golf #athletics