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Yasemin G.

Aspiring physician
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations
635 Answers
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Wendy’s Avatar
Wendy Jul 12, 2020 690 views

I am a senior nursing student who have decided to purse my passion in medicine. Is it possible going from nursing to med? I know how untraditional this approach is and how much work it would take, but I truly love medicine and am fully committed.

#nursing #medicine #doctor #healthcare

anna’s Avatar
anna May 03, 2019 1268 views

how will i pay for college


Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jul 10, 2020 3092 views

What if I can't handle college?

#college #college-advice

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jul 10, 2020 977 views

What happens if I want to change my career choice in the middle of college?

#career-choice #career

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jul 10, 2020 889 views

What is the most difficult part about being a full time student in college?

#time-management #graduate-school

safina’s Avatar
safina May 02, 2016 1143 views

As someone interested in English, is it possible for me to become a doctor?

English is my passion, but my career goal is to become a doctor. Is it possible to study English in college and take the classes necessary to become a doctor?
#medicine #healthcare #hospital-and-health-care #english #education #career

Kaela’s Avatar
Kaela May 15, 2020 1079 views

How do you remind yourself that what you're doing/studying is important in the long run and let it truly sink in and motivate you?

#college #medical #radiology #nuclearmedicine #biology #organicchemistry #technician

Natalia’s Avatar
Natalia Jul 02, 2020 1803 views

Do you feel that a psychology major is "worth it"?

#psychology #psychiatrist I would love to attend college studying a psychology major, but just about every teacher I speak to tells me that it takes very long to obtain a degree, and the right amount of education to get a job.

Carolina’s Avatar
Carolina Jun 30, 2020 1102 views

When do you come to terms of accepting failure or deciding to quit?

I began college as a Animal Science major and realized it wasn't for me. I'm currently a Psychology major, but I'm hoping to still be eligible of becoming a vet student. I keep holding onto the idea that you don't have to be a traditional vet student to be qualified. I have no direction of what...

Alek’s Avatar
Alek Jul 03, 2020 766 views

What are the educational requirements for someone wishing to become a Psych major in college?

Psych has become a fascination of mine, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to get the most out of any college program. #psychology

Alek’s Avatar
Alek Jul 03, 2020 614 views

What are some great pointers for a student, prior to attending college with a Psych major?

#college #student #psychology

Alek’s Avatar
Alek Jul 03, 2020 667 views

With my intentions of being a psych major, what kind of classes will I be taking in college?

I plan to major in psych, and then a dream of mine would to become a therapist or a school counselor. I fully intent on getting my masters as well. #college #psychology

Charlotte’s Avatar
Charlotte Jun 28, 2020 9527 views

What is the difference between college and medical school? What does it mean to get into medical school straight out of high school?

I am currently an incoming junior in high school and I am planning on going into the medical field! Is it better to apply/get straight into medical school after high school as compared to going to college then medical school? What is the whole process like? #medicine #college #doctor #medical...

Debi’s Avatar
Debi Jun 12, 2019 630 views

Hi, Tell me something that I probably don't know.


Christopher’s Avatar
Christopher Jun 16, 2020 629 views

After receiving a bachelor's in science, what are the path forward to continuing an education? I'm confused on the differences/hierarchy of graduate school, medical school, or pursuing a PhD.

I'm an undergrad in neuroscience and psych and a career in research is currently my plan.

#college #psychology #science