Paridhi’s Career Goals
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After confirming a Board of Directors, what are the next steps for registering a nonprofit?
#nonprofits #financial-planning #event-planning #organization #board #science #registration #nonprofit #Texas

What are the differences between Wix, Go Daddy, and WordPress website builders? Pros & cons?
#technology #website-development #entry-level #Wix #go-daddy #wordpress #web-design #website-design #web-development #website #organization #nonprofit #front-end

What is included in grant writing for nonprofits? Where can you learn more about this? What makes certain grants stand out?
#grant #non-profit #application #fundraise #stem #writing #money

What are the differences in using platforms like Wix or Go Daddy website builders versus coding a website in terms of what we see in the end product as the website? Which is the better option and what are the advantages/disadvantages of one method over the other?
#website # #media-production #website-development #website-design #web-development #web-design #organization #non-profit #Wix #Go-Daddy #website-buidler #coding #programming #code #algorithms #business #professionalism #front-end #back-end #appeal #marketing

I am looking to develop a basic mentoring and tutoring app that can match volunteers to students. Any advice on this & programs/algorithms to use for this?
#evelopment #software-development #software-industry #developer #software-development #coding #code #app #appdevelopment #app-development #programming #computer-software #algorithms #codinglanguage #language

What factors should one be aware of when one starts an organization?
I have previous experience with working with an organization. I currently have started my own organization and am currently working on establishing it as an unincorporated organization.
#entrepreneur #STEM #business

What are the steps in establishing, and scaling an organization?
#non-profit #business #organization #entrepreneur # #marketing #finance #business-management