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Arlene Y’s Avatar

Arlene Y

IT Engineer
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Computer and Mathematical Occupations
5 Answers
10218 Reads
41 Karma
Tyler’s Avatar
Tyler Jun 30, 2021 883 views

I'm confused on what career I should focus on.

My main interest are science, math, drawing, phycology and computers science. I'm trying to think of a career that would suit me best, I know I'm young but I love to plan ahead.
#career #science #computer #math #science #psychology #computer-science

Alex’s Avatar
Alex Nov 14, 2019 1129 views

What career should I choose if I enjoy computer programming?

I have been doing some basic computer programming for about 5 years now and it really interests me. I would like to have a career in computer programming but I have no clue which job would be the best to go into. I enjoy not only making games but also general software. #computer...

Dinesh’s Avatar
Dinesh Jun 22, 2020 2267 views

How to approach software development early on in career?

As an intern, I see that the enterprise projects are very different from what we make at university level. The technology used requires me to go through a lot of new technologies. How should I approach this. Should I be worried for not knowing these tech stacks or Is it natural and common for a...

Afolabi’s Avatar
Afolabi Apr 07, 2020 2116 views

How to make money from doing what you love

I am a computer science undergraduate, I am not a fan of programming like that, I do and I like it though but I love coaching and acting. But making it in coaching and acting is a tough one.#computer-science #acting #career

Tylar’s Avatar
Tylar May 25, 2020 4517 views

Do Most Software Engineers enjoy their job?

#software #engineer #software-engineering #computer-software