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Sourav Acharya’s Avatar

Sourav Acharya

IT Profressional
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
6 Answers
11491 Reads
11 Karma

Active Locations

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Mar 16, 2020 1156 views

Does this recession mean I might not be able to get a job when I graduate?

I am currently an architecture student with a planned graduation in 2022, what does the #COVID19 recession mean for the job market in regards to architecture? I was intending to practice for a few years before going to grad school, but does this mean I should start considering/planning to go to...

Ashley’s Avatar
Ashley Jun 17, 2020 2981 views

How do I know if this is the best career path for me?

I really wanted to join and experience the opportunities that this program will potentially have to unfold for me, and that truly is me and who I am as person, but there’s definitely more to it I definitely know that. I love helping people in any way shape or form and leaving any type of impact...

Vivek’s Avatar
Vivek Jun 22, 2016 1419 views

which is suitable programming language to study at high school level?

I want learn Java programming guide me #engineer #any

Purushotham’s Avatar
Purushotham May 04, 2016 2044 views

how to improve English knowledge?

I want to improve my English knowledge. #college #teaching #studies #3d-studio-max #stata

Sonia’s Avatar
Sonia May 05, 2016 1967 views

What college should I attend to become a software engineer?

I am studying 10th standard. I want to become a software engineer. But I do not know which college I should attend near K R Puram in India. #engineer #software #career #education #engineering #computer-software

Effie’s Avatar
Effie Jun 12, 2020 4461 views

How should someone with no programming or coding background and knowledge start programming and coding?

Are there certain websites for learning? What subjects should I start with? Which languages are the most beginner friendly? #programming #coding #technology #computer-science