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Alejandro Barrientos’s Avatar

Alejandro Barrientos

Software Developer Intern
Computer and Mathematical Occupations
Tiffin, Ohio
12 Answers
31752 Reads
0 Karma

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Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jul 09, 2020 15047 views

Can you give some examples of your problem-solving skills?

#teaching #career #personal-development

Jessica’s Avatar
Jessica Jul 10, 2020 4223 views

What if I can't handle college?

#college #college-advice

Christopher’s Avatar
Christopher Jan 25, 2018 731 views

How do I effectively balance my classes, extra-curricular activities, and new life as a freshman in college?

I plan on going into college optimistically, as I wish to make the most of my new path in life. However, starting an entirely new life in unfamiliar territory away from home, I wonder if there is a certain mindset or routine I could use to adapt to my new situation. I plan on taking rigorous...

Sergio’s Avatar
Sergio Jan 08, 2019 1852 views

Is it good to start investing at a young age?

#finance #investment-management #accounting

Garrett’s Avatar
Garrett Mar 29, 2020 1763 views

When you were a kid what did you want to be when you became an adult?

what did u want to be when you grow up ??? #any #degree #educator #criminal-justice #college

Marie’s Avatar
Marie May 22, 2020 1573 views

Can I Become fluent in ASL?

ASL- American #english #any Sign Language

Adamar’s Avatar
Adamar Oct 29, 2016 1900 views

Is it okay to feel scare to start working?

Im new to all of this "independence" #work-life-balance

George’s Avatar
George May 19, 2020 1228 views

What to do about college during a global pandemic?

I am currently an incoming senior in college questioning weather or not my college degree and education is going to be worth the amount of time money and effort I have put forth due to a declineing / halted / depressed economic job market as well as schools being unable to educated students...

Aun’s Avatar
Aun Feb 23, 2020 813 views

As a 10th grader what extracurriculars and average should I aim for if looking to apply to computer science?

I'm in 10th grade and trying to work my way towards computer science at waterloo or UOFT. My projected average is 91, mainly because I didn't try that hard first semester, but I understand the sacrifice I must make now. Any advice on volunteer activities or extracurriculars I should pursue to...

Anna’s Avatar
Anna Jan 18, 2018 792 views

Does it really matter where I go to school for a computer science degree?

I want to get a bachelor's degree in computer science and a master's degree in something in that field, but a little more specific. Does it really matter where I go for my bachelor's?
#technology #computer-science #college #college-major

Khadija’s Avatar
Khadija Jun 29, 2020 3926 views

As a high school student, how do I know if computer science is the right college major for me?

I'm a 16 year old rising high school senior, and I've been learning how to code in my free time for the past year or so. I've decided that I want to study computer science in college, but I'm still not entirely sure about my decision. #college #computer #computer-science #college-major

Steven’s Avatar
Steven Aug 31, 2018 706 views

If I finish my two year vocational program, will I be able to later go to a 4 year program?

Im going to Parkland College in Champaign Illinois currently to be a certified Ford ASSET Technician and get an associates degree in Applied Sciences. After I finish this program, in a few years, will I be able to take that associates degree to a 4 year school and get more education?...