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Tiffanie’s Avatar
Tiffanie Aug 01, 2016 1823 views

What should I dress for a career fair?

My school is going to be having those throughout the year and what are some things I should wear? What should I be prepared to do, what should I bring? #career #jobs

Abby Lupi’s Avatar
Abby Jul 19, 2016 1761 views

How do I select what to put on my resumé?

I understand that it often depends on where it is being distributed. However, I seem to have too much pertinent information to fit on a single page. In general, is it better to include diverse aspects of your being, or focalize around that field in which you are interested? #resume...

Andre’s Avatar
Andre Mar 01, 2016 1252 views

What are some hand on classes that helps with entrepreneurship skills?

Want a actual physical hands on that will help with the skills I have to be an entrepreneur. #entrepreneurship #entrepreneur

Andre’s Avatar
Andre Mar 01, 2016 1353 views

What steps can be taken to become a successful CEO/entrepreneur in the future?

I will be a multi-billionaire CEO of my own multi-billion dollar company. Just wondering what can I do to make this happen one day. #business #entrepreneurship

Emily’s Avatar
Emily Feb 24, 2016 988 views

What kind of careers can I achieve with in technology?

I like technology, I mostly like work with computers. #computer-science #computer #computer-engineering #computer-savvy