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Elke Hardt’s Avatar

Elke Hardt

Career Counselor
Community and Social Service Occupations
Los Angeles, California
10 Answers
8296 Reads
22 Karma



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Sophia Almira’s Avatar
Sophia Almira Aug 29, 2021 1435 views

What colleges offer Criminology/Forensic Psychology?

Hi! I'm currently in my first year of college, majoring in BA Psychology. I'm genuinely passionate about my course, but more so on Forensic/Criminal Psychology. However my college doesn't offer this specific class, only BA Psychology as a general course. So for my graduate studies, I want to...

Stephanie’s Avatar
Stephanie Sep 28, 2021 525 views

Did you know you would be a psychologist in the future when you were in High School?

I'm in 9th grade, and would love to hear everybody's thought process about jobs in general! #psychology #clinical-psychology #student #highschool

josie’s Avatar
josie Oct 08, 2021 1862 views

what different jobs can you get with a psychology degree?

#psychology #psychiatry #career-path #clinical-psychology #child-psychology

Lauren’s Avatar
Lauren Oct 13, 2021 420 views

Is there a lot of job availability for massage therapists?

#job -search

Brooklin’s Avatar
Brooklin Oct 29, 2020 656 views

Can I start my college classes in high school?

I was wondering if I could start college classes in my Junior or Senior year of high school. #high-school-classes #high-school #collegeclasses #college #nurse #career

Jasmine’s Avatar
Jasmine Oct 29, 2020 696 views

What college in Iowa has good horticulture programs?

I want to open my own plant nursery business, so I want to take horticulture and a business class. I am planning on attending Kirkwood for Landscape horticulture studies because it has more of what I want to study than their other agriculture classes that include farm equipment and other farm...

Taylor’s Avatar
Taylor Oct 20, 2020 459 views

I would like to work with juveniles ! Where is a good place to look for jobs in the juvenile justice system?

I’m majoring in forensic psychology and my main interest is how the juvenile justice system works and it’s jobs with in. I’m really interested in detention centers and juvenile offender council #anyone

maria’s Avatar
maria Oct 20, 2020 484 views

What is the average salary of a counselor/therapist?

#salary #counselor #therapist

Payton’s Avatar
Payton Oct 19, 2020 337 views

What is the average salary of a nurse practitioner?

#college #nurse

Ariatna’s Avatar
Ariatna Oct 19, 2020 718 views

Is there special colleges to go to become a chiropractor?

#colleges #chiropracter