Tamara McManus
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What does it take for someone to go into the business field?
I am a high schooler and I wanted be to in the business felid, but don't know what is needed?

is there any way i can improve my communication skills?
i am in 9th grade and its high time i have good speaking skills. i know that's it is extremely important for job interviews and basically leading a successful life. i don't know what to do to improve, i am scared for some reason to "speak up" as i have been told. any tips?? I may also have...

What are some steps to get into entrepreneurship?
I'm a senior in high school and I've wanted to get into entrepreneurship. I have little to no idea on how I can get started.

How can I get a job in cybersecurity before I graduate and what steps should I begin taking?
I am a first-year community college student.
I like video games

How do you get a part-time job as a college student?
I don't have a lot of experience in my given field, but I am very inquisitive and a quick learner of all things. Unfortunately, neither of those has helped me get a job in data science (current field) or graphic communications (previous field)

What does it take to find your passion?
I have been struggling with finding something that really speaks to me. The things I thought I wanted to do are more difficult than I was anticipating.

How to plan for first job?
How do I schedule job hours with after-school activities in high school? I have no idea how job schedules work for part-time jobs.

Is it advised to get a job freshman year?
I am just transitioning to college and despite the workload, I am also worried if I should get a job the first year. Is it advised to just get a job on campus or is off campus a good idea? \
#jobs #first-job #college-jobs

What classes do I need to take in college to be a pastry chef?
I wanted to know this so I could take these classes #college #pastrychef #classes

What tips and tricks do people have for passing anatomy and physiology?
I have heard that A&P is one of the most difficult classes to pass for nursing. I have also heard that you have to apply yourself fully and study very intensely. What advice do you have for new students that are trying this class for the first time? #nursing #college-major #healthcare

Is being a kindergarten teacher a good job?
I'm in 8th grade. I have a class called career and technology. My teacher is having us do a project by asking questions about the careers we want to do when we get older. #students #career #teaching #k-12-education #teacher

What job can I do to work with children that isn't an average teacher?
I want to teach something other than basic requirements. #education

is your schedule flexible or it varies?
i want to know how flexible your day to day work day is. i know RNs are usually always on call but is it the same for anesthesiologists ? #medicine

How do you think people's opinions of beauty will change a decade from now?
Just wanted to know as today's society is begging to show appreciation for no makeup but at the same time is infatuated with applying makeup everyday. #empower #confidence #beauty #makeup