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Bryan Bogardus’s Avatar

Bryan Bogardus

Executive - Chief Operations and Customer Experience Officer
Management Occupations - Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Ann Arbor, Michigan
12 Answers
20858 Reads
11 Karma

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Kaleb’s Avatar
Kaleb Dec 21, 2020 603 views

What do you recommend for your first job?

Im 16 and have never had or applied for a job, but would like to have one so i can have money in my pocket when i need it. #first-job

Harmony’s Avatar
Harmony Sep 01, 2017 1513 views

How do you get a good job in your major after college?

A lot of people I know who graduated college are having a hard time getting a job. Some people say its about your connects, so were does college come in?
#engineering #careers

Albert’s Avatar
Albert Feb 25, 2017 2034 views

How do you stay confident?

I know that having confidence is very important when you are interviewing with potential employers and for when you are interacting with your peers. However, I find that sometimes I lose confidence when something negative happens, such as being rejected from a company, or doing poorly on a...

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Jan 16, 2018 1224 views

How do I adjust when going to college out of state?

I am moving from Texas to California for college and I was wondering what are some good ways to adjust to my new setting and still be successful in school? How do I beat home sickness? How should I make new friends? And how do all these factors help me keep up with my college goals?...

Joey’s Avatar
Joey Oct 04, 2019 1227 views

What skills are required for your position on a daily basis ?

I am a senior at Brennan High School Interested in going into the business field. #business #entrepreneur #business-management #marketing #management

Karen’s Avatar
Karen May 16, 2018 4261 views

What is a 401K and should I apply for one in my first job?

As I prepare to go into my career, I know insurances and benefits are a huge part of accepting a job. I have never really understood what a 401K is and if I need to apply for it! #401k #insurance #interviews #job-applications

Fahmeda’s Avatar
Fahmeda Jan 18, 2018 4832 views

Any tips to help me with my confidence ?

Confidence is something I have always had an issue with. I am shy and quiet person you hardly would ever notice. It’s really frustrating now as I start to apply for internship or even other opportunities. I feel I’m not good enough for it and end up not doing it . I missed out of many...

Augusta Irechukwu’s Avatar
Augusta Mar 21, 2020 1326 views

How has COVID-19 impacted the hiring of new grads graduating in May 2020 at your place of employment?

#tech #technology #first-job #covid19 #computer #information-technology #computer-science #engineering #stem #compsci #graduates

Linh Thuy’s Avatar
Linh Thuy Jul 29, 2020 1356 views

What is the chance of getting a job after graduation during Covid-19?

In this sensitive time, many people had lost their jobs. So people are seeking new ways to provide for themselves. Getting a job is not easy when you are a fresh graduate. So what is the chance of getting a job during Covid-19 after graduation? #Job #jobs #job-search-strategies #job...

David’s Avatar
David Sep 06, 2019 796 views

If you could start all over again, what would you do differently?

I am a senior student at Brennan High school. I’m looking to get my MBA so that I can learn more about business. I want to own and run my own businesses. I want to be my own boss and have freedom. #entrepreneur # #business-management #business #business-development

Ben ’s Avatar
Ben Feb 09, 2017 5164 views

How do I get good at cold calling?

I am a student at San Jose State. I just recently started on the advertising staff of our newspaper the Spartan Daily. My job is to cold call local businesses and have them place ads in the paper. I am comfortable talking on the phone so that is not a problem. However, I would love to learn...

Ben ’s Avatar
Ben May 02, 2018 2040 views

How do I move to a different job market?

I am based in the SF Bay Area. I am considering to move out of it after I graduate college with a degree in advertising. Some places I am considering are Seattle, Austin, Portland, or Los Angeles. I love the Bay Area but its really expensive to live here. I eventually want to get my own place...