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Jozlyn Johnson

Chesapeake, Virginia
11 Questions
422 Karma

Jozlyn Johnson’s Career Goals

When I graduate from High School I will study in Social Sciences and History.



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Jozlyn Johnson Apr 20, 2021 562 views

Since I want to be a OBGYN what are the requirements? and If we have Mental Health issues are we able too work?

I once was told that I would study Females situations and all of it was when i learned a few things from family members also when i was in health class we talked about females private issues. #public-health

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Jozlyn Johnson Apr 20, 2021 590 views

What do I need to know when applying an application to become a Psychiatrist? Do i need to have experience?

Good evening, My name is Jozlyn Johnson and I just turned 18. I would like to learn and know more about becoming a Psychiatrist. I think that I should know what are some key things that I should know and whether or not do I need/have some experience when I fill out an application.I also like to...

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Jozlyn Johnson Apr 01, 2021 917 views

What are something's i need to know to become a foster parent?

I was once in Foster Care before and I watched movies about foster parents and plus i know someone that is a foster parent and i just want too know what are the qualifications in becoming a foster parent I want too care for others to. My name is Jozlyn Johnson and I just turned 18 on Monday...

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Jozlyn Johnson Mar 25, 2021 2155 views

What are the requirements to become a Teacher Assistant?

My name is Jozlyn Johnson i will be turning 18 on Monday and i am interested in becoming a Teacher Assistant for any school. I look at movies that has teacher assistants and i want too become one. #teacher #school #teaching #student

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Jozlyn Johnson Mar 04, 2021 715 views

What is the routine like for becoming a registered nurse?

I watch a lot of nursing videos with my mom and i try asking her questions but i realized that she doesn't work in that field for her job. I did ask a question 2 days ago and i got the answer for that one i just had another question to ask about it! #career #job-search

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Jozlyn Johnson Mar 02, 2021 571 views

In order to be a Registered Nurse what are somethings that i should know about? What are the qualifications?What is it like too be a Registered Nurse?How do you become a Registered Nurse?

My name is Jozlyn and i am from Virginia and i am turning 18 in 26 days(March 29).I want too be a Registered Nurse because i have watched my aunt be one and she only told me a tiny bit about being one. I really would like too learn more about becoming a Registered Nurse i find it very...

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Jozlyn Johnson Feb 18, 2021 777 views

If i want to work for ASPCA what is the environment like? What are some things that i should watch out for?

I love pets a whole bunch of pets but of course my favorite pet is a dog my favorite brand of dog is a Siberian Husky.I got off track anyways i use too help my sister with pets because she wants to be a rescue mom but i just want to work for the company ASPCA i just would like too know what is...

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Jozlyn Johnson Feb 16, 2021 547 views

What are some qualifications that you should have to be a model?

My name is Jozlyn Johnson i am 17 and a half turning 18 in March. I used to make clothes and I would show my mom. She recommended that I should be a model and that I would be a great model. I am so interested in modeling before I forget my location is Chesapeake,Virginia. I would like too...

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Jozlyn Johnson Feb 16, 2021 1303 views

What are the requirements to become a makeup artist? and What kind of personality do you need to have?

My name is Jozlyn Johnson i am turning 18 in a month. I absolutely love doing hair and makeup.This was my original career i wanted too do before i wanted to become a lawyer. I live in Virginia the city of Chesapeake. #makeup #cosmetology #artist #modeling

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Jozlyn Johnson Feb 08, 2021 1401 views

What are some requirements to become a lawyer?

I am 17 going on 18 but i want to be a lawyer when i grow up. I watch a whole lot of criminal injustice television shows for example;Law and Order,Criminal Minds, and NCIS. Those are like my top three television shows that i adore if i could i would watch them all day long. y mom tells me that...

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Jozlyn Johnson Feb 04, 2021 747 views

What is the caseload like to be a social worker in Child Protective Services?

My name is Jozlyn Johnson and I chose this career to do because i have experience in volunteer with kids in something like this field like with foster kids at a place that my mom had signed me up for and they said i did an amazing job and that i should work in the field of becoming a social...