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Samira’s Avatar


Dartford, England, United Kingdom
17 Questions
1137 Karma

Samira’s Career Goals

I want to become a doctor/ lawyer, actress and a model!

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Samira Feb 26, 2024 770 views

How to open a successful business related to space exploration?

I am interested in the business aspect more now than the science aspects as my personality type is more suited to leading others and not being confined in a laboratory setting. Because of this, how can I open a successful business related to space (like space X)?

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Samira Feb 17, 2023 1794 views

Astrophysics or medicine?

Hey, I am currently debating between doing astrophysics as a career or medicine. Both equally fascinate me. What responsibilities would an astrophysicist have and how flexible are both careers? #CV23

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Samira Sep 03, 2022 834 views

What books do you recommend to read about law or medicine?

Are there any books that are very insightful and interesting about law and medicine?

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Samira Sep 02, 2022 652 views

How competitive is law?

I hear a lot of people saying how hard it is to be chosen for a job in a law firm with the amount of competition there is. How do you overcome it? And, also, I heard people say it is a very toxic environment. Is that true? If so, in what way?

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Samira Sep 02, 2022 1423 views

When you study medicine, do you have to see bodies being operated/dissected even if you’re not studying to be a surgeon?

Even if you’re not studying to be a surgeon but doctor or nurse, do you have to see bodies (dead ones) operated on for studying about the anatomy of a person etc.?

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Samira Aug 29, 2022 1537 views

What is the difference between a solicitor and a barrister?

I know the rough differences between them but which one can defend their client in court as I have an interest to do that?

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Samira Aug 29, 2022 2432 views

Reality of being a lawyer

Is being a lawyer like in the series Suits, where there are big cases and one has to go to court all the time?

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Samira Aug 29, 2022 789 views

Is there a law that focuses on the ethics of medicine and of the hospital / doctor department?

Medical Law

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Samira Aug 27, 2022 894 views

I want to become a runway model.

I am 5’9 and have the measurements of 34-24-36. Although I need to lose 2 inches off my hips to become a runway model, do you think runway modelling agencies will accept me?

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Samira Aug 27, 2022 612 views

Does law or medicine give more freedom?

With my current choosing of what field I’d like to pursue, freedom is quite important for me as I’d also like to pursue acting and modelling. What field will give more freedom of time to do this?

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Samira Aug 27, 2022 736 views

Law or medicine?

I don’t know what to do as I love the debating side of law for justice (which I absolutely enjoy and is a natural talent for me) but I love medicine as I am always interested in helping out any family members or anyone out if they are in pain. For instance, my mum has really bad lower back pain...

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Samira Oct 27, 2021 2705 views

Is being a lawyer a 9-5 job? If so, how can I change that?

I heard that lawyers take on a 9-5 job whereas some don't. How, if law is a 9-5 job, can I make it more flexible? Is self-employment an option? #lawyer #criminal-justice #attorney #law

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Samira Oct 26, 2021 470 views

I want to become a high fashion, runway model, where do I start?

I want to become a runway model and apart from getting my digitalis, headshots etc. done how should I start? Is it worth it to find an agent? #fashion #model

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Samira Oct 26, 2021 810 views

Criminal Law or something else?

I am really interested in criminal law, however, is it possibly dangerous to get mixed with crime? What is the longest course for law school e.g. hypothetically family law takes 4 years whereas criminal law takes 5 etc. #lawyer #law #criminal-justice #criminology

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Samira Oct 26, 2021 624 views

Law School : is it that hard as people say?

I want to become a lawyer as part as my career (alongside becoming a high fashion, runway model and an actress) as it will provide a stable income, it is a career in which I can be challenged at and I would like to help people by stating my case. However, what is really putting me off is the...